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550 – Not Our Best Work

It’s show #550 On today’s show, we’re doing nothing but answering your questions! We’re talking about electricity for woodworkers, cheap hand planes, refinishing a Walnut table, what to do with old saw blades, woodworking in someone else’s shop, and snapping bandsaw blades.

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Listener Questions

  • Bob asks how we would fare working in another person’s shop space.
  • Gary asks for advice on the reason his bandsaw blade has snapped.
  • Tom is refinishing a Walnut table that has been bleached by the sun and needs help.
  • T-Bone needs electrical advice when wiring his new shop.
  • Joe needs help fettling a cheap big box hand plane.
  • David has an old table saw blade and wonders what to do with it.

Ask Us a Question

Send in questions via the contact form here on site or hit us up on IG at woodtalkshow or send us a voicemail using your phone voice memo app to

Finally you can find us individually on Instagram at mattcremona, woodwhisperer, and renaissancewoodworker

3 replies on “550 – Not Our Best Work”

Hey, regarding the question about the guy wiring his shop space, do not listen to these fine and lovely gentlemen. During this show they exceeded their Crack intake for the week. The best idea would be to hire an electrician. In every town there are always a few electricians that will work on weekends or other off hours. Talk to one of these people and make a plan for what you want allowing for expansion and changing your mind. Also, make sure that anything that is done meets code. It can be very costly to wing it and then have the city come in and make you remove it. It’s not that expensive. Thanks!

Hey, you did listen to what we said right? We started the entire conversation with the disclaimer that they should hire a professional due to general safety and code issues. I agree, we were on crack, but you basically just gave the same advice we did.

I traveled a lot for work, and I was always concerned about the kids (or someone else) getting into the shop and hurting themselves. While there are mechanical and other options, I have a single switch that shuts off all power to the shop. That same switch can also be put into a locked metal box. It isn’t a perfect solution, but it always gave me peace of mind.

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