Fill Your Holes with Woodworking! | Wood Talk 571

It’s show #571 On today’s show, we’re talking about kids getting started in woodworking, shop lighting, woodworking slumps, and hand planed vs sanded surfaces.

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Listener Questions

  • Weston is 13 and wants his parents to trust him around sharp tools.
  • Jon wants to know if he should add splines to his large table top.
  • Peter wants to know if hand planed surfaces are too smooth for some finishes.
  • Christian asked about our shop lighting situations.
  • Bob’s been spending too much time on Instagram and asks if we ever get frustrated and disappointed with our woodworking.
  • David’s wondering if he should add support to his planer.

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Finally you can find us individually on Instagram at mattcremona, woodwhisperer, and renaissancewoodworker

One reply on “Fill Your Holes with Woodworking! | Wood Talk 571”

Thanks for answering Bob’s question on show #571. Like him I, like make crafty type items but feel, like I’m not a real wood worker because I don’t make the fancy stuff. I do watch a lot of Youtube videos as well. Since I , moved to my new property in 2020 I built a 2400 sq ft workshop and filled it with both used and new machines (CNC, bandsaw, table saw etc.) but it seems I build more things for friends and family that are large and furniture type items and I don’t get to spend my little available time (I haven’t retired yet) in the shop making things I am excited about. Thanks for reminding us why we get into woodworking to begin with. I guess I just need to say “no” more often. Thnaks guys.

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