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Pottery Wheel Hooch | Wood Talk 579

On today’s show, we’re talking about first aid in the shop, free modeling software, wood in movies, which handsaw to buy, keeping those tootsies comfortable in the shop, finding the center of an edge, and sanding safely.

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What’s on the Bench

  • Marc has woodworkers invade his shop.
  • Shannon is building a coat rack disregarding wood movement.
  • Matt moved into his kitchen and is now a professional chef.


  • Zack listened to all the shows and submits his comments through history all at once.
  • Bram comments that made jinxed himself when he said he would never want to have to cut enough dovetails to fill and entire kitchen.
  • Tom sums up our host’s personalities perfectly.

Listener Questions

  • Antonio’s feet hurt and he wants advice for his shop.
  • Alex has a new ROS and is making a lot of dust. What is the best safety gear for sanding dust?
  • Kevin wants to know when Shannon will make a Guild project.
  • Josh asks how to best find the center of an edge.
  • Jonathan cut his finger badly and it has him thinking about his first aid and emergency response in his shop.
  • Eric can’t use the free version of SketchUp any longer and asks about free 3D modeling software options.
  • Von Welch was listening to the Flop House podcast and he wanted to know what movies we think of when it comes to wood and/or woodworking in movies.
  • Antonio wants an opinion on dovetail saws and a saw for resawing.

Ask Us a Question

Send in questions via the contact form here on site or hit us up on IG at woodtalkshow or send us a voicemail using your phone voice memo app to

Finally you can find us individually on Instagram at mattcremona, woodwhisperer, and renaissancewoodworker

One reply on “Pottery Wheel Hooch | Wood Talk 579”

Hey guys, I’ve been listening for a couple months and it makes my day whenever a new episode goes live. I have a question for you all. I am getting so frustrated with my hand tools because I always feel like I’m setting them up wrong. I’m in Gainesville, Florida and there aren’t any places within a two hour drive that offers classes so that I can talk to professionals and have them show me what my tools are supposed to perform like. It feels like cheating but I wish I could send my tools to somebody to set them up for me so I can understand and feel what to look for when I set them up myself. It would also be nice to finally work on projects with fine tuned tools. Do you guys have any insight on what I should do regarding this?
Thank you guys for the great banter. I look forward to all your future episodes.

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