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WT106 – Pole of the Week?

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Wood Talk is now a weekly podcast! You’re welcome!
We also decided it was time to get our very own Wood Talk Facebook page!

What’s on the Bench?

– Shannon is making good on a promise and completing Christmas presents early. He is also diving head first into marquetry thanks to the influence of Paul Schurch!
– Matt finished up a shoe organizer that gets the job done, but thanks to a tricky glueup, he’s not quite as proud of it as he could be.
– Marc is finalizing a bed design for a client making extensive use of SketchUp to communicate effectively and eliminate problems before they happen. He is also finally organizing the new shop and doing a few shop projects.

Around the Web

Chris Schwarz Charity Auction for National Breast Cancer Foundation
Old Street Tools closes for new orders.
YankoDesign – Submitted by Jacob Deis who says, “I’m always looking for new design ideas so I will frequent this site.”
LEGO New Yankee Workshop – Submitted by Duane Hess.
– Birth of a Tool Part 1 and Part 2 – Submitted by Dan Sherman who says, “I found these awesome videos when they first came out, and then rediscovered them a week or so ago when i came across them again on fine I bet Shannon will love them.”

Poll of the Week

Working with an 8″ wide board, what is your preferred method for ripping off a 1″ strip? Personally, that sounds like a great use for the tablesaw! But I know there are lots of ways to get that job done. How would you do it? See the latest results!


Vic has a question about the flatness of his outfeed/assembly table.
Anonymous wants to know our opinion of Magswitch Featherboards.


Kevin asks,
“I’m at the point where a laminate router table on saw horses isn’t cutting it any longer so I’m planning on building a true base for it as my next project. I like the look of the infamous New Yankee deluxe router table with the Plexiglas center for the router compartment surround by small drawers on the sides and cabinets on the bottom. I’m definitely not married to it though. The only thing that I know for sure is that I want a built in power switch, possibly with a knee paddle, and that it will be on lockable casters. Besides that, can you guys offer any advice on things that you really like about your current router table setups or things that you would improve upon, either aesthetically or functionally (dust collection, size, mobility, accessories, etc.)? Matt, I assume that you have some nuggets here after recently upgrading yours.”

David Picciuto “The Drunken Woodworker” asks,
“Hey Marc, Matt and Shannon! I was wondering what is the safest way to store an oil varnish blend that I mix myself? I’ve found a combination of boiled linseed oil, satin whip-on poly and mineral spirits mixture that works well for me. Is it combustable? Should I only mix enough for each application? Thanks guys!”

A Jeremy Hopkins asks,
“Have you ever looked around and realized the clutter was taking over the shop? Not just project parts that haven’t been completed, but all those “someday” purchases, the vast collection of tools, or the growing collection of wood and wood scraps?”

3 replies on “WT106 – Pole of the Week?”

I have to say I’m impressed with the Rockler router table. The leveling plate could be a little better but still good. I’m using a Bosch 1617 fixed base which has above table adjustment. I made a stand for the top and got the featherboard kit. I use the constantly now that i have them. Overall i’m really happy with it. Maybe b/c i’m a new wood worker thats why i love it so much but i would recommend it.

Hi Guys,

I haven’t been able to tune in for a while now, but am back and catching up on the podcasts. I was happy to hear that Shannon Rodgers has joined the show. He brings the hand tool woodworker perspective to round out your podcast. I have enjoyed his online videos and as a lefty myself, I can really see how it’s done.

Today while listening to several podcasts (#’s-79,80,81), I had a deje vu moment after finishing up with #81. You were discussing which saws to purchase as a new woodworker i.e. tenon, dovetail, carcass, etc. It seemed as though you just covered this subject about an hour earlier. So then I began wondering if I had just listened to the same show over, but something just did’t seem right, I just didn’t remember hearing anything else repeated. Then Matt said that you had answered that same email on last weeks show.

I know stuff like that happens from time to time and I got a good belly laugh out of that while you all mused as to whether or not you had the same answers. It really was funny. I will tell you, because I listened to both shows back to back, I did remember your earlier commends and you did indeed manage to repeat yourselves nearly word for word. I do think the second shot at the explanation was more informative however.

I can hear the changes in your knowledge and professionalism as woodworkers when remembering your earliest podcasts. I too am learning a lot since retiring and getting more serious about my work. This is a great time to be a woodworker with the influence of the Internet is having a significant impact on all aspects of woodworking as well as just about everything else.

p.s. Marc, I get consistent wow’s on my John Hall mirror frame hanging in my entryway. Thanks again for the drawings you provided and the instructions. It is a great reproduction piece.


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