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WT131 – Shannon’s Mint Julep

Special thanks to our show sponsor: Festool.

On today’s show, we’re talking about restoring a cupped table top, a box for severed fingers, using router bits with shapers, t-slot miter bars, compact table saws, bevel angles on bevel down planes, jointer options, dado blade safety, and designing difficulty.

What’s on the Bench?

Shannon is in love with his spokeshave. Matt is enjoying the after-glow of setting off his SawStop table saw. Marc is having fun with his new Easy Wood Tools.

Around the Web

Popular Woodworking Build Contest – Win a trip to Woodworking in America!
Milkman’s Workbench – Good solution for you apartment dwellers.
The Last Shovel Maker
Stop-motion segmented bowl.


– Nick confirms Marc’s suspicions that the epoxy scale mentioned in Episode 130 is just a standard digital scale.

– In response to our thin kerf blade discussion in Episode 130, Tom mentions that if you have a calibrated rule on your fence rail set up for a 1/8 inch thick blade, changing to thin kerf changes that.


– Chris has a question about restoring an old cupped/twisted table top.
– Med Tech Woodworker is looking for a box to hold his severed fingers.
– Roberto wants to know if shapers can accept standard router bit.


– Curt is considering using T-slot miter bars on his cross-cut sled.
– Several folks asked for our thoughts on jointer/planer combo machines. We recommend they check out Episode 116 at 22 minutes.
– Mike is considering his tablesaw options for his garage shop that shares space with auto repair equipment and cars.
– Milo has a question about changing the bevel angle on a bevel down plane.
– Chris is considering an 8″ jointer but knows he’s too lazy to move it around in his small space.
– Ann has a question about safety during dado blade use.
– Cory is having some difficulty designing.

Reviews and Thanks!

Are you interested in setting up a recurring donation to help support the show? Use the links in the left column! Special thanks to Benjamin and Tim for their generous contributions!

And don’t forget to leave us a kick-butt review in the iTunes Store, just like these folks did: Daiglewoodworks

18 replies on “WT131 – Shannon’s Mint Julep”

With regard to Mike’s question about table saw options, I have the Rockwell RK7241S (see link below) and I really like it. It stands at full table saw height and has a 30″ right side rip capacity when in use, but folds up to about the size of a large suit case when you don’t need it. If you’re short on space but still want a table saw with decent features I would recommend it.

A big thumbs up on the after hours event. I would defiantly be there. Also I would be happy to help out in any way…except for transportation. Matt maybe able to clarify, but I’m sure we still have a couple of years left to go on the Trolley Car “Statute of Limitations” 😉

Kyle I’m POSITIVE you and I are in a panorama picture of those to be scrutinized on a Cinci trolley…I’m sure there’s a group photo of the suspects. “Trust us…we’re woodworkers…” should be the phrase that raises eyebrows with all the drivers.

Did you use a different format to upload this podcast from the previous ones? I was able to stream last week’s podcast just fine, but this week’s isn’t loading. I’m listening at work, which does have some firewalls installed, but I can stream all episodes after episode #107. I just assumed you changed the format you used for uploading the stream at that point… But with this latest podcast, I again can’t stream it… how am I to avoid the work I am to do if I don’t have the ability to listen to you guys…?!?

Yes, it won’t play, and I can’t download it. So I guess the firewall is set specifically enough that allows the podcast through if it’s on a specific server. So are the podcasts #107-130 on a different one? Anyway… I guess I’ll have to do work while I’m at work and listen at home… Dang!

Nearly all of the episodes are on Amazon S3. This time, I used Primary difference is the fact that is free to us. If this is a widespread issue, I’ll consider using S3 from now on. So if anyone else is having issues, you need to speak up.

Great… I just wanted to be sure there was a specific reason and not something with your website OR my computer. So yeah… DON’T change it just for my account, if you can upload it for free, I can always download it at home a put in on a usb drive to listen at work… thanks for the quick reply, Marc… you’re nordfab-ulous…


PLEASE tell Chris to try and separate the glued up piece of his table insert first befor cutting them apart on the tablesaw! If the glueline is failing at one end, it may be going bad the entire length, and he can use a solvent to loosen the glue. Or use heat, since it may be held together with hide glue if the piece is old enough.

As for the cupping and twisting the piece, another (crazy) option, which would save more original wood, would be to carefully resaw the piece on a bandsaw and then reglue them back flat after steaming the individual lamenent back flat, either with reliably flat boards, or better yet, a vacumn press.

Just some random thoughts.

Milo “The Lumbarbarian”

Hey guys!

Just got caught up on the show. Couple of comments:

1st: If you suddenly find yourself less a digit or two, control the bleeding first (best done with direct pressure) and then use the remaining digits to call 911. Shock, which will result from this type of trauma, is nothing to mess with. It can cause existing medical issues (known or unknow) to become major problems and can cause a person to pass out and/or not think rationally. And last time I check passing out and irrationall thinking did not mix well with driving. Even if you have someone else to drive you to the ER, it’s best to have trained medical personnel tranport you with that type of trauma.

2nd: I live in the Cincinnati area and if you need help setting a social at WIA in October just let me know. Most people say I play well with others and only have a few bites on my record.

Keep the Woo Talk coming! – Marty

I have had my table saw incident, a partially amputation all five from my my left hand. I will say it was all my fault but a riving knife possibly would have helped. The new law making it mandatory for table saws to have riving knives came out a little late, I don’t know if anyone here is from NYC but there is a hospital called a re implantation ctr. Since I was a paramedic for FDNY I had a nice escort from Staten Island to Manhattan. Seams as though I am rambling and maybe about an entirely different topic

that I have been rambling about. Sorry guys for the dull story


When I severed my finger, I went to the ER. My wife suggested we drive the extra distance to a hand center, but I thought this is a really good Main Line Philly hospital, they know what they’re doing. Big mistake, I should have driven to the hand center. Even though I didn’t cut all of the way through, I did manage to cut the blood supply to the bone. The ER doctor had and hand certification (but not any more), did a nice job repairing the skin but the bone died so they had to remove the finger. Find your closest hand center or the best hand surgeon now and post the address where you and family know where to go when the worst happens. Do the same for your eyes. By far most hand injuries are not amputations but deep cuts but an average doctor often leaves you with some reduced level of function, but a hand surgeon makes things as close to perfect as possible or at least reduces repeat surgeries to fix what the last jerk did.

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