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WT192 – The Vanderlist Method

Special thanks to our show sponsor Brusso Hardware. Don’t forget to use that code WOODTALK at checkout!

On today’s show, we’re talking about easy durable finishes, automation distancing us from our craft, and how to perform a ritual bloodletting with your chisels

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What’s on the Bench

Marc – Getting ready for TWWLive on Friday at 1pm Eastern/10am Pacific.
Matt – Making signs for a wedding.
Shannon – Shop remodel done and on to the dining table. Also speaking at Woodturners Guild in VA.

What’s New

– Steve Carmichael’s “Whac-a-Woodworker”:

CU Woodshop “Tool Sale Swap”

– “Silent Voices” letter carver:

Poll of the Week

What do you think of radial arm saws?


– Jeremy recommends we read this post from Bridge City Tools on the topic of precision and accuracy.
– Kody suggests looking into camping tents at thrift stores for small shop overspray control.


– Lucas has a two-part question. First, he’s going away to college and wants to protect his hand tools from rust. Marc recommends he uses a desiccant in his tool box.

He also wants to know if it’s realistic for him to finish a Roubo workbench on his month-long break from school. He mentions a workbench kit from Horizon Wood Products that some folks might be interested in.


– Steve is looking for a kid-proof finish for a table.
– Alex is repeatedly getting cut from the sides of his chisels.
– Ehren is contemplating the effects of designing on paper vs designing with technology.

Reviews and Thanks!

Are you interested in setting up a recurring donation to help support the show? Use the links in the left column! We’d like to thank Jason N., Adam D., Jeffrey H., and James R. as well as everyone else for their continued support.

Don’t forget to leave us a kick-butt review in the iTunes Store just like Deep Nights and SurviveStyle did.

13 replies on “WT192 – The Vanderlist Method”

Hey guys thanks for answering my questions. I just wanted to clarify that I wasn’t down playing my contractors saw I just wanted to give you any idea of my set up. The other thing that will complicate this whole plan is that my dad is moving and my shop will be too. I will be sure to send an update after the holidays on how much did get done

Lucas that could definitely complicate the workbench build LOL! Maybe after your first year you can get a feel for what kind of breakdown furniture is needed for dorm life or apartment life at your school.

Then build a few pieces and sell them at the beginning of the school year. At my college it was all about futons, lofts and the occasional bookcase or dresser.

Good luck Lucas!

Just the opposite! Merely a cheap shot based on the top of the line tools and full line of festool products I see in the videos. That being said if I swore off beer for about three years I could also more readily afford the festool miter saw that looks like it could halve a pb&j sandwich with no tear-out. Aaand now I’m hungry and browsing the festool website.

Also is the water flown in or merely driven? haha

In regards to the chisel finger problem, a leather finger guard on your guiding finger works great. Downside is they look a little goofy but you’re in your shop right?

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