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In this episode of Wood Talk Online we don’t mess around, we get right into answering your questions. OK, we do go off on some tangents but it wouldn’t be the same show without them!

First things first, a huge Wood Talk Online congratulations to Barry Johnson from Ewing, New Jersey! Barry is our very first winner of the monthly ‘WoodSlicer’ Bandsaw Blade giveaway from Highland Woodworking. Don’t lose heart if you’re not Barry, there’s always next month when we give another ‘WoodSlicer’ Blade away.

Marc and Matt love to flex their thinking muscles, so of course we have questions to answer too. Sed left us a voicemail on our new landline number and asked about power carving tools. We also have a few emails to answer, beginning with Glen’s inquiry into the use of a lubricant to keep his tablesaw gears working smoothly. Doug from Memphis is searching for really “cool” ideas to control the heat in his new 20’x30′ outbuilding. Stephane is wondering about a finish for the interior of a blanket chest he’s built, and we also have some feedback from Josh regarding he’s choice of the SawStop Tablesaw after comparing comparable models from more established manufacturers.

If you too have a question or comment you can reach us at either or you can leave us a voicemail at (623) 242-2450.

Remember, if you haven’t entered for the monthly Highland Woodworking ‘WoodSlicer’ giveaway get your name entered by dropping us a line at

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