April is turning out to be a very busy month with lots of travel. Marc recently attended the Festool Grand Opening event. Matt went to a Lie-Nielsen tool seminar/demo last weekend. Improper safety techniques in a woodworking class. The announcement of the first annual Woodworker’s Safety Week (May 5th – May 9th). We get Rick Rolled. Hollow chisel mortisers. Tom’s Tip. And if you had $2500 to set up a shop, what would you buy? Leave us a voicemail and let us know!
4 replies on “WT34”
First off, thank you for getting my question out there to the masses! I really appreciate the online community support offered by TheWoodWhisperer, LumberJocks, and the other great sites out there.
Second, I think your idea for a woodworking safety week is a great one. So many of the safety devices out there cost so little that it almost seems absurd that someone would work without them. I agree that in a commercial shop things are probably different, but for the many of us out there that do this as a hobby, I don’t see the logic in NOT using them. Bottom line is, if you can afford the tool, you can afford the safety gear, why not use it?
Keep up the great work, you both have taught me quite a bit about woodworking and at no cost, you can’t beat that 🙂 Also, the finishing DVD was great, I can’t wait to try out your technique on my next project.
Mark D.
Las Vegas, NV
that was quite the interesting topic of conversation today on wto… im glad i now know where you guys keep your hands when you play with your wood. oh thats just wrong.
rickrolled….. now thats funny stuff!!!
After my accident, I’ve become very sensitive to bad shop practices and I’m frequently shocked by what I see some people do on TV, not to mention at home. I agree with the caller that his instructors practices are questionable. My actual opinion of the guy isn’t printable, but I would give him the peace sign. However, the peace sign has a different meaning for me because I’m now absent an Index finger – think about it.
My local woodworking store has classes and I’ve asked to teach some classes and was told they were concerned because I’m missing a finger.