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Status Report: Marc goes into a bit more detail on his Gadget Station: grain direction and acclimation. Matt is making his new bench out of……….(drum roll)……….PLYWOOD!

Around the Web:
If you aren’t on Twitter, you are missing out on the fun! We also review Charles Neils website, Charles has a great collection of incredible videos and DVDs on all kinds of topics. We can all learn something from Charles’ years of experience.

Safety reminder – Tablesaw injuries to remind us of what we learned during safety week.

Review of Final Cut Saw Blade and more info.

Woodworking in America hands-on classes sell like hotcakes!!
Fine Woodworking starting to sell ebook versions of popular titles. Currently you can buy individual chapters downloadable as PDFs for $2 or buy the whole book (ebook version) for $15.

Hot Deals:
Pop WW’ing 50% off back issues
Bessey K-Body Clamps 25% Off
Simple Green Cleaning towels (pop up container) almost 40% off.

We discuss a recent article by Bob Flexner in the August issue of Popular Woodworking, titled “7 Myths of Polyurethane”

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6 replies on “WT39”

I built that workbench last year. It’s an awesome bench and easy to build. Plans were straightforward and worked like a champ. I capped the plywood ends with Cherry to hide the plywood and used cherry-veneered plywood on the front and drawers that I made to fit underneath — definite overkill, but I learned a lot in the process.

I highly recommend — rock-solid bench.


Hey guys,
While I really love the contrast sapwood puts in a piece, it does need to “flow”. I had to resaw a recent glue-up because I hadn’t marked the boards with a triangle and put sapwood right next to heartwood. While my wife couldn’t see the problem I had with it, at first. Once I had fixed it, she saw how big a difference it made.

That Final Cut PSA for blades is a great idea for the construction/trim trade because they are in a hurry and being able to use the blade as a sanding disc at the time of cut would really speed things up. But, I doubt I’d put one on my Fusion blade.

I’d heard a rumor Bessey was restyling their K-body clamps, but it looks like that was only a rumor. I think I’ll continue to go with the Jet clamps for at least three reasons: The bigger rubber handles, the more stable stance, and the built-in rule.

Great show!

Heads up regarding Marc’s Safety Reminder on the subject of tablesaw injuries. Don’t go there just before lunch like I did…

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