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Special Guest: Shannon Rogers, The Renaissance Woodworker!

Workshop security?
Specialty blades “thick kerf”- Should they be made?
Twitter Woodworking Talk with AdamKing and FurnitureGirl right now.
Festool at Walmart???

What’s on the Bench?
Shannon- A shop full of projects!
Matt – Forgot to measure his bandsaw blade width correctly and suddenly discovered why it wasn’t tensioning properly. Also dusted off his grinder and sharpened some rusty old blades that would’ve taken forever by hand.
Marc – Cabinet project live streaming all week.

Around the Web:
Peter Galbert’s “Chair Notes” blog
Woodworking Custom Plans
From the Forum: The Next Tablesaw Lawsuit – Sent in by Jeremy Kriewaldt.
Woodwerks Windsor Chair Kits


Renee- DC quick connect fittings coming loose.
Runningwood- What fasteners do we keep in stock? How to make sliding dovetails with hand tools?

Sweet Deals:
Spring BlowOut Sale– use code cnw2010 for 30% off!
Highland Woodworking deals –
DeWalt DW411 1/4 Sheet Finishing Sander – $29.99 (was $39.99)
DeWalt DW317 Variable Speed Orbital Jigsaw – $59.99 (was $99.99)
Rikon 10-305 10″ Bandsaw – $199.99 (was $279.99)
Eagle America – Free Shipping on any order through 5/31/2010 Promo code H2100522
Woodcraft – Free Shipping on orders of $25 or more
Peachtree Woodworking – 25%-60% off select items enter keycode mday1

Tip Clips:
Tom’s Tip – Cheap Squares
See more from Tom at
Kari’s tip – Spring is in the air!
Enjoy more of Kari’s work at

9 replies on “WT70”

Few shop security ideas:

1)Try to think like a criminal and attempt to break into your own shop. Pay attention to weak areas or things that can be broken into/through.

2)Most people don’t realize is that most locks are USELESS! They have all of the tumblers at the top which makes they a) easy to pick, and b) easy to open in 2 seconds with what is called a ‘bump key’. Most criminals will be able to waltz into a standard locked shop. Look for locks with additional tumblers and/or off axis tumblers that can’t be bumped up. Additional, steel doors with a steel frame is a must!

3)ALWAYS cover your windows when you leave and never leave your garage door open when you walk away for a bit. In addition, making the shop open and visible from the public is another cause for concern. Most break-ins happen as a result of people casing or snooping. You can assemble sliding metal grids relatively easily to slide and latch closed from the inside. No one would be able to get in from the exterior.

Just a few ideas 🙂

Great show guys, listening to the discussion on work shop security reminded me of my own example of locks only keep the honest person out, 20 years ago my work shop space was a simple corrugated iron and timber frame shed about 4.2m X 3.0m with a slide bolt and pad lock on the door . The week after returning from a holiday I unlocked the shed to find all my tools gone, while I was sunning on the beach someone had unscrewed the sheets of iron at the back of the shed ,helped them self to the tools then put a few screws back in the iron so it looked as if nothing had changed. If I had not opened the door it could have gone unnoticed for months. Lucky for me I was insured and all the tools were replaced with superior quality products, many years later a friend purchased a car from a neighbor and dropped by the same day to show me his new ride, we pulled the spare out of the boot to put some air in and there in the bottom of the wheel well was a screw driver, one of my screw drivers that had gone with the rest of my tools, all my tools are marked and I now have an IP camera in the shop that records to SDcard and PC over the internet.

Yep, I can’t stress enough how important good locks are. Most padlocks can be popped open with a shim made from a pop can…other deadbolts and door locks with standard tumblers can be opened in seconds with a bump key.

Schlage makes some pretty badass ones ( 😀

Marc another great show. The notes stated Festool at Walmart? I missed it, can we look forward to cheaper festool stuff.

Just an FYI: That 69 comment was not mine! Thanks for the dust collector quick connect info. I happened to have solved it by buying a rubber connector. If need be I can look up the brand. But the rubber has enough grip to hold the hose to the tool.

I never really gave shop security much thought. It’s one of those thing that gets put to the back burner (or now burner at all). Listening to the show gave me a chance to really think about it, and I realized that the only thing protecting my garage shop was a stick shoved into the garage door track. I think there is maybe some room for improvement there.

A few years ago we changed the lock from a normal Schlage lock to a Schlage Primus lock. It’s a bigger more stout key that can’t be “bumped” and it’s harder to pick. However, this last summer we had the garage door open and twice…TWICE…we had someone walk in. Keep in mind we’re 70 plus feet off the street up a steep hill. Both guys just walked in the open over head door. We filed a police report and notified the neighbors after that. Scary that tens of thousands of dollars worth of equipment could be cased so quickly. Next summer we’re considering alternatives to keep people out, but keep air flowing in.

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