
Welcome back to another episode of Wood Talk Online … a little late … or early depending on your point of view. This week’s episode starts out with Marc and Matt sharing their most recent experiences from the past week, some shop related and others not so woodworking related. We received some fantastic emails from many of you and just want to let you know, we may not get back with you right away but we’ll do our best to answer your questions as soon as possible. So for this week, let’s start with a neat looking video of a recreation of Leonardo DiVinci’s lathe design that was sent in by JY click here to check it out stuartking.co.uk/articles/leonardo.htm .

The next big discussion was inspired by an article sent to us from Herman regarding “Ground PVC and other Dust Collection Myths”. The reason for the article was as a follow up to our first voicemail for the epsiode sent to us by Herman asking about recommendations for ductwork (metal vs PVC), how to get the fittings to match up, and recommendations for cyclone collectors. The next voicemail was from Rob, who had a follow up suggestion for a spray finishing book. “Best of FineWoodworking Book Series- Spray Finishing and Other Techniques”. Other voicemails for this episode include Alex who shares his finishing disaster with us, Mike who asks about any recommendations for finding hardwoods to practice on without breaking the bank and another international listener Joene from Belgium who asks about plywood cutting softwares. Marc’s recommendation for Joene is to checkout cutlistplus.com and Matt turn’s to a favorite standby for finding timesavers and possible software, woodbin.com .

Our emails this week include a rather lengthy discussion of a 5 part question trying to uncover which tools do we favor the most, which are essential and which can we do without. Also which are ones we wish we had from day one to which ones do we wish we hadn’t. Jason from New York asks about suggested methods to overcome wood rot on outdoor furniture, even though he’s using Western Red Cedar he’s concerned that this rot resistant wood may need a little more help. Marc found an article at plowhearth.com/magazine/woods.asp to help shed some light on the question. Then Keith sends a little note about his inheritance of a couple of older Powermatic tools… was it just bragging or a legitimate question? Matt suggests that if anyone is interested in finding out more about their older tools to check out Old Woodworking Machinary.com at owwm.com . And to round us out this week is a question and a story from Ron. Ron asks about what are the differences between the various veneer backings available and then a nail gun story, not a good one either. Remember if you have a question, comment or suggestion send it to woodtalkonline@gmail.com or leave us a voicemail at woodtalkonline.com.

8 replies on “WT12”

Dang, ask and you shall receive that was some great info on the veneers guys thanks!! In addition, I had a thought for the person with the cutlist issue. I was thinking they might be able to use sketch up to help them solve their sheet good cutting issues:)

Thanks again,


You mentioned in Episode 12 of WoodTalkOnline that you have a low-end Delta scrollsaw. (Sounds like the one I have.) I was a bit surprised, because for a long while now I have been coveting the definitely higher-end scroll saw in the banner image on TheWoodWhisperer home page. Is that red machine a Hegner? Was the picture taken in your old shop, or perhaps in David Marks’ studio?

Just curious,

In your podcast you mention sealing furniture against rot by epoxying the feet. From my wood boat experience, this is not a good idea. Unless the epoxy is sealed to the wood, i.e.: caulked around its edges, moisture is allowed under the epoxy and will lift it from the wood over time. Regular epoxy does not seep into the wood, but instead, it sits on the surface. It is rare that epoxy will fall off, but instead, will just lift enough to allow the moisture to gather then dry in a never-ending cycle. Wood can live forever if it is kept wet, but the cycle of wetting and drying is what causes the wood to rot. The best prevention is a complete coat of good spar varnish as it will expand and contract with the wood as it does not dry as hard as regular varnish. If you must epoxy, a product like S1 Epoxy Sealer by Industrial Formulators is the way to go. It is like water, seeps into the cells of the wood, and maintains a bond over its lifespan. It, like varnish, has to be renewed every so often, depending on the itemâ


I think Marc mentioned that the banner picture was indeed taken in David Marks shop.

I think my favorite part is the band-aid he has on his finger. I’m always drawn to it. It gives it a real authentic woodworker look to it. 🙂


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