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It’s the beginning of November and it’s time to announce another winner of the Woodslicer Resaw Bandsaw Blade from the great folks over at Highland Woodworking. So congratulations to Dan Messina!!

Today’s episode is a lot different than most and you get a little trick or treat to round out October. Marc and Matt have decided not to do any prep for the show and you get to listen to them raw and uncut, a hilarious if not painful experience for all involved.

We randomly select a few emails to answer for today’s show, like John’s question about using exotics like bubinga and purpleheart for the first time. Sam’s feedback and question on the Mini Mite 3 spray gun system, and Zac’s wondering about using molding head cutters on a table saw in lieu of a router system.

Recommended books for wood identification and use include The Real Wood Bible by Nick Gibbs and Wood Identification & Use by Terry Porter.

If you have comments, questions or feedback drop us a line at or call us on our voice mail line at 623 242-2450.

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