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Welcome to Wood Talk Online Episode 23. As always, if you have a question or comment, you can email us at or leave us a message at 623-242-5180. We had a few audio issues in this episode so please bear with us.

This week we are graced, once again, with the presence of Tom Iovino. Tom gives us the low down on his new dining room table he finished just in time for the Thanksgiving Holiday. Marc tells us all about his recent 3-day seminar in Oklahoma.

Our first email was from Steve who is looking for advice on selecting quality hand planes on a budget. Our second email is from Zac who brags about his new Lie Nielsen router plane. Our third email is from John who recommends a book called Architectural Graphic Standards, published by The American Institute of Architects. Our final email was from Rudy who recommends Tried and True finishes and provided us with this excellent spreadsheet for calculated wood movement.

Our first voicemail was from Alan who is having trouble with his tablesaw binding during light cuts. Our second voicemail is from Roberto who is inquiring about the Laguna tablesaw. Our third voicemail is from Derryl who asks about Ohio Certified Stains.

A very happy and safe Thanksgiving to everyone!

4 replies on “WT23”

In episode 23 you talked about a spreadsheet for wood movement. But alas when I tried to download it the site has disappeared. Can you forward it to me? Thanks

Hmm, at around 17-18 minute area, Tom mixed up the alloyed steels. He said, “steels like O2 and A1”. Actually it’s “A2 and O1”!!!. However, great job guys!!!

In the movement.xls spreadsheet, I suspect the value in cell B11 should have been 0.001 rather than the 0.0001 that was there. An easy mistake I’ve made many times. It made quartersawn Fir look an order of magnitude more stable than anything else. Also, the link to Tom’s table shows nothing. I just listened to this (#23) podcast and was hoping to see the table you two were referring to. Thanks for all the work and information you’ve provided over the years. I wish I knew how many mistakes you’ve helped prevent by those of us trying to learn this craft. It is greatly appreciated.

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