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Matt discusses his new purchase, a 6″ jointer and how it will affect his work in his shop since he is a hand tool type of woodrworker. Marc discusses his current shop project, a big assembly table which is a collaborative effort with Marc and Matt talk about the current woodworking shows/programs that are available on television and how they are filling a void. 1st e-mail question how to pick lumber in the rough and would it be OK to take a block plane to check the grain? Marc suggests buying more than you need to be able to match up at home in your shop. Matt suggests to ask the workers first before swiping at any lumber with a plane.

2nd question about having “one of those days” in the shop where nothing works right. Blade on his band saw keeps drifting and then at one point the blade came of the wheel and started throwing sparks. Marc suggests making sure the band saw is properly tuned and refers him to TWW podcast, Bandsaw Setup/Tune-up. Matt agrees that more than likely he did ruin the blade. 3rd question concerns how to square up stock without a jointer when you have a lot of rough sawn hardward in lengths of 12 to 20 feet. Matt says to use a jig of some sorts to get a nice square edge or the hand plane method. Marc suggests to do crosscuts first to make the board size more manageable and again refers him to TWW episode, The Jointer’s Jumpin’.

4th question has 3 parts: first part asks how to retain the color of a checkerboard table top of red oak and mahogany. After sanding and gluing up the project to even up the ridges, the mahogany is now much lighter how can I get back that darker color. Marc says to not really worry about it since over time it will darken up to again be the original color. Second part concerns the significant ridges that were created by flipping the wood to achieve the checker board look. He want to know the best way to even up the surface. Marc says to stop sanding and suggests using a cabinet scraper first then move to a sander. Then in the third part Matt and Marc provide a number suggestions for a first time work bench or work surface.

5th e-mail question asks what is Marc and Matt’s favorite bandaids. Matt likes to let the blood flow all over whereas Marc proudly admits that he uses Bandaid brand Spongebob bandaids! The real question asks for suggestions for a good reference book for wood finishing. Matt refers him to a new book called The Wood Finisher’s Handbook by Sam Allen. Marc suggests some of the classics such as books by Jeff Jewitt, by Bob Flexner, Michael Dresdner or George Frank. And Lastly Marc mentions “Finishing: Methods of Work”

6th question is what to do when family purchases woodworking tools as gifts that are duplicates or step-downs or items you will never use. Both guys say to pull the tool out when the person is around but in reality the best thing is to circumvent the problems by talking to family and letting them know you are particular about tools in your shop.

Last question is about spraying and size requirements for a compressor. Marc says to use a turbine sprayer since it is a self contained, portable unit rather than using a compressor that has to turn on every minute. Matt and Marc also discuss how far is far enough from one’s neighbors when using a sprayer. Final discussion is about goggles, respirators and other safety issues and also why Matt references e-bay or garage sales for purchasing old hand tools.

5 replies on “WT4”


Listening to your discussion about the bandsaw from your Grandfather made me think of the drill press, jointer and table saw I inherited from my grandfather. The drill press table was no longer perpendicular to the quill. It required shimming. The jointer outfeed was set wrong and I couldn’t figure out why I would make curves instead of straight pieces (I get straight pieces now). The saw top and fence on the table saw were not parallel to the blade. Scoring used to be terrible on the outfeed side of the blade. They’re all tuned and purring now, but I understand your pain!


I was just sitting here listening to this and was shocked when Marc didn’t mention his own finishing book when addressing a question regarding which finishing books would you recommend. SHOCKED!

… Then I went over to Amazon and checked the publication date of Finishing: It ain’t over till it’s over and saw this was recorded around 4 years prior to publication date!

Makes sense!


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