
The Wood Talk Online boys are taking a Summer break! But here’s one last show for you to enjoy…..sort of… I’m hosting this one solo but I managed to get the guys to send in a couple of relevant audio clips.

This week, I’m heading out to the big tool show in Vegas, AWFS.. I’m going to be one of the judges of the Fresh Wood Competition. Want to see footage from previous competitions? Check these videos out:
Fresh Wood Competition 2007
Fresh Wood Competition 2009

We also have a big Charity Build coming up that you won’t want to miss!

And don’t forget the Christmas in July Sale in the Wood Whisperer Store coming up on July 22nd.

If you’re going to Woodworking in America, we’ll see ya there. And that’s when you can expect the next Wood Talk Online Radio show since Matt, Shannon, and I will be there in person! Should be an awesome way to kick off the next season of WTOR.

6 replies on “WT87”

Would like to be at the show but can’t make it this year. Until then I’ll keep honing the skills and listening to WTOR.

I put a strip of pink tape on my tools to keep them from getting mixed up with others. It makes them easy to see. I also have a stamp, but haven’t really used it on a tool yet.

As far as ID marking I put my post code ( UK Zip code) and house number on my power tools with a sharpie. Oh and “Stolen from” in big letters. ON my Router case I spray painted STOLEN GOODS on the side. I have seen on a building site in the UK an electrician had hand painted his ladders PINK with a string of obscenities down the side, something about HANDS and CUT OFF and something about an axe.

Also, just remembered this from a Forensics class, if a number is stamped into a metal surface and then ground off you can still read the number using iodine and acid. Can’t remember exactly how as this was 20 years ago but its something to do with the molecules being compressed through the metal.

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