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Woodworking in America is going to be in two locations this year: Cincinnati, Ohio and Pasadena, California

Fine Woodworking is getting into the mix with their own event: Fine Woodworking Live

Amazing Kickback Video from NewWoodWorker.com

Highland Woodworking’s new web show: The Highland Woodworker

Tom’s Tips from Tom Iovino – Using playing cards as shims!

The Hawaii’s 20th Annual Woodshow 2012 – April 1-15 – The 20th annual show will be juried by a panel of locally and nationally known artists and design professionals and is well-known for highlighting the very best in local woodworking with participation from woodworkers from every island.

5 replies on “WT92”

Just watched that kickback video and like all newbie’s i was always wondering what the explination was for it happening, this video not only shows the logic behind how it happens but scares the crap out of me ever using a table saw without one. Video’s like this need to be splashed over all woodworking websites to show the dangers that most are unaware of when first taking up woodworking.

Just watched the video on kickback this is why I don’t have a table saw hand tools only. Check out this video guy has nerves of steel but is an idiot with a power saw.

“Pine Woodworking” is a friggin GREAT idea!! It could be almost the opposite of Fine Woodworking. Jay Bates could be the senior editor, he does some amazing things with construction grade lumber.

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