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WT293 – Test Your Farts

Today’s show is brought to you by Brusso Hardware.

On today’s show we’re talking about our lathe situations, first tools for the hybrid woodworker, knockdown hardware, and bench vs. mortise chisels.

What’s On the Bench

  • Marc bought an air quality tester
  • Shannon is breaking down a sheet of plywood
  • Matt built a quickie gift for his wife’s birthday

What’s New


  • Steve is glad to hear that Marc also was concerned if there was a better way to deal with long bed rails
  • Will thinks resawing is still faster than planing away 1/4″ and shop sawn veneer is always good to have around.
  • Adam said DON’T buy reclaimed truck bed flooring, its too hard to work with. Instead buy it new from a truck supply store.
  • Marc wants to know why people gotta hate on the clean shop!?
  • Tim recently installed a “fresh air kit” for his furnace

Featured Topics

  • What is your lathe situation?


  • Joe is a power tool guy looking to get into more Hybrid woodworking and wondering how to do that.
  • Mike wants to know about using knock down hardware for a crib.
  • Scott wants to know if he needs to buy mortise chisels or if his bench chisels will suffice.

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8 replies on “WT293 – Test Your Farts”

My first thought on the Gil video was, “Man, that is the most uncomfortable looking stool I’ve ever seen.” Wait, never mind.

Regarding threads in wood…

Quite a few years ago, the Gougeon Brothers(West System Epoxy) tested, and published, a number of methods of threading and fastening hardware to wooden boats.

Their use-guide “Bonding Hardware” does not have all of the alternatives, or test results…
some are here:
and here:

If you search for “threads” on their website you will find a lot more…

As I recall there is a lot of detail on fastening in there book “The Gougeon Brothers on Boat Construction” (

that is enough… enjoy

Glue ups- Can there be too much clamp pressure? I typically apply glue to the entire surface area of whatever I’m gluing – many times both sides. Think anything from- cutting boards, knife scales, jigs and fixturing, whatever. I apply as much clamping pressure as the part will take, or as much as I can tighten the clamp, and I have some nice clamps if you know what I mean. But on a recent video the woodworker stresses several times not to “squeeze all the glue out”. Is that even possible? Does the glue manufacture specify a certain thickness of glue to complete a bond? I typically use Titebond 2 and 3 or an epoxy for my projects, but I think the question is the same for either product. Thoughts????? -(BTW- thanks for advice on squeeze out cleanup recently).

Yes, you can apply too much pressure and starve the joint.

I’ve learned to apply enough pressure to pull the joint closed and get squeeze out…then stop.

I have or haven’t been eating well lately, depends on how you look at it?
Anyway I know you like Colorado so come on up to my shop in Denver and we will give your new tester a run for its money!

Love the show and enjoyed hearing my name mentioned! But I’m realizing I may not have provided enough of an explanation of what a fresh air kit is. It kinda sounded like Marc thought they just put a hole in my wall with a cover. I actually have something like Matt said he has. From the outside of the house the place the hole is looks like a dryer vent. On the inside a 4 inch hose like a heavy duty dryer hose connects directly to the furnace burner so the burner is only drawing outside air. If the outside vent ever gets clogged (the installer said bees sometimes make a nest and block the vent) a flap opens in the basement and it draws inside air like it used too. I don’t think I’ll ever spray a finish in the basement but it’s nice to know that if I’m using something like arm r seal the furnace is not sucking those fumes in ( or I guess since nothing is 100 percent it’s at least sucking a majority of fresh outside air). Thanks for all the advice you’ve offered over the years! Just wanted to share this since I would not have known this was an option unless the installer suggested it.

Is it a forced air system? If so, is the fresh air just feeding the burner for combustion air, or is it also providing cold intake air?

Typically forced air systems recirculate inside air and either use 1) ambient air or 2) outside air for combustion. Do you still have cold air return vents through out your house? Are those still connected to the furnace? If so, even with a fresh air kit that draws fresh combustion air, you will be recirculating your inside air (and finish fumes) through your cold air return vents.

As to podcasts on woodturning, i hope you are aware Of Tim Yoders show on cable TV Woodturning Workshop.
Tho I am not a turner, his show is always entertaining and informative.

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