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WT295 – Wood Talk Roulette

On today’s show we’re playing WoodTalk Roulette where we will grab emails from the mail bag at random and answer them.


  • Pat wants to know if there are a series of woodworking projects to help you develop skill.
  • Rob wants to know if we salt our panel glue joints like a Margarita
  • Alex wants to know if he can use Pine for wooden drawer runners in his chest of drawers
  • Wil made a boo-boo while chopping mortises on his Roubo-ish bench and now wants to know how to fix it.
  • Ray says, “what’s the deal with trunnions?” and wants to know the advantage of table mount over cabinet mount or vice versa.
  • John resawed a board by hand and it was very slow. He wants to know how he should know if his tools are tuned up properly.

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7 replies on “WT295 – Wood Talk Roulette”

Regarding the comments on the difficulty of setting up a contractor type table saw, I can personally confirm the groups assessment. After recently purchasing a new Rigid contractor type table saw, I was unable to “setup” the saw per the instruction manual guidance. Only after consulting with numerous greybeards and the sage wisdom of your podcast was I able to “adjust the saw to an acceptable level of accuracy. All told, it took me two and a half days and a considerable amount head scratching to align the blade, fence and miter slots. An unexpected disappointment for a saw that received several accolades in equipment reviews.

P.S. After setting up the saw using only the manuals guidance, I made a test cut only to have the wood bind against the fence and smoke one side of a brand new blade. I thank the the riving knife, anti-kickback pawls and blade guard for limiting the ten second of terror when I realized I was in kickback territory.

Keep up the great work

Just to dwell on a repeat topic again for a minute, I have one more suggestion for those having issues with getting a smooth surface with a card scraper. One thing I found after getting poor results with my scraper was that I was actually scraping the wrong direction, meaning I was fighting the grain rather than working with it. Simply turning the piece around and going the opposite direction was enough for me to go from fuzzy surface to smooth surface, without messing with the burr. This might be because I’m VERY new to the scraper game, but wanted to pass that along in case others find it helpful.

I just bought a used Powermatic 66 it does not have a riving blade or a splitter. I would like to have at least a splitter. Where can I find a splitter for it?

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