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WT302 – Matt Shakes that Healthy Butt

On today’s Anniversary/April Fool’s show we’re talking about clamping out gaps, prepping old cabinets for new paint, and securing socket chisel handles.

What’s On the Bench

  • Marc ogled some furniture at Disneyland.
  • Matt is filling up his design book with ideas.
  • Shannon is trying to find his groove in the shop again.

What’s New

  • Chris shared a video of a self propelled track saw.
  • John shared a video of a dovetail drill bit invention.


  • Kevin wants to know if his contributions to WoodTalk are tax deductible.
  • Bradley says that adding salt to the glue joint actually messes with the chemistry of the glue in a bad way!


  • Ben wants to know how much of a gap he can clamp out when gluing up panels over a longer length.
  • Dustin wants to know how to go about preparing his kitchen cabinets for repainting and whether sanding or a deglosser will work.
  • Chris wants to know how to secure his socket chisel handles.

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12 replies on “WT302 – Matt Shakes that Healthy Butt”

Happy anniversary! Glad to hear you come attached to your Apple TV. I’ve been with you since you were on Leo Laports show years ago. Keep up the good work.

Congratulations guys. I do love how the Matts are interchangeable without even any mention! Been a long time listener and enjoy the great “wood commentary”

Congratulations! 9 years of awesomeness in woodtalk-ing. I’ve enjoyed every episode. Matt V – super happy to hear your voice on the show!

Matt V.,

The new Matt is great, but it’s nice to hear you back on the show too. Please don’t be a stranger! Suppose Wood Talk to a big enough shop for a 4-man show? Could be awesome.


Love the interchangeable Matt. No mention. Not a beat missed. I paused for a moment to consider if I was having brain defect, as I tried to work out out that it was April fools. Subtle and well played. Bravo.

I noticed immediately, and wondered if they used old clips of Matt V’s voice, but then he was talking about current stuff. Great joke, and better that no one mentioned a thing. Great show as always

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