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WT304 – Don’t Defile Your Chisels

Today’s show is sponsored by Harrys. You can save 10% on your next order if you use the coupon code WoodTalk over at

On today’s show we’re talking about jointing woes, router planes, breadboard ends, and our featured topic, how has video production impacted our woodworking.

What’s On the Bench

  • Marc has an apprentice in the shop and
  • Matt is doing trim work
  • Shannon took his new Veritas shooting plane for spin

What’s New


  • AJ is upset and confused
  • Dyami doesn’t believe in guilt
  • Tim has some thoughts on the dado stack causing kickback
  • Joel uses only fingertip pressure to determine if a joint is ready for glue up.
  • JJ suggested a finger wrap instead of sanding the sharp edges off your chisels.
  • Wayne doesn’t like Shannon dissing the Baltimore Woodworking Show.

Featured Topics

  • Caleb – Do you have any regrets making your hobby a career? What would your project portfolio look like if you were still just a hobbyist? Are there any tools you would get rid of if you stopped working at the professional level? Would your level of guilt (episode 300) change if you were no longer working professionally and had deadlines to meet?


Mike strops his tools using a buffing wheel and wants to know if there is any advantage to using a bench strop over this method.


  • Dave is having some jointing problems and getting a taper on his boards off the powered jointer.
  • Eric built a table with breadboards and now the table has shrunk leaving the breadboards proud. Should he trim them flush?
  • Ruben is having problems with his open throat router plane and is looking for tips when working with the plane near the edge of a board.

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3 replies on “WT304 – Don’t Defile Your Chisels”

Shannon, there is a Woodcraft in New Castle, DE. I live in Elkton and go to school at UMBC so I am around the Baltimore area a lot. It’s not too bad of a drive, but there are a few tolls. Round trip it will probably take more than 2 hours though.

Marc, the new website looks great. Shannon as a backend developer I’ll appreciate your architecture changes on the backend.

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