WT335 – Marc Likes Fishnets

On today’s show, we’re talking about oil and wax finish on a butcher block, wall storage in a concrete walled shop, and starting a business.

What’s On the Bench

  • Marc is in mid-move and can’t find his microphone.
  • Matt is milling logs with a bucket.
  • Shannon is developing a scrap problem.

What’s New

  • A Guild member made the Gaming Table and got published
  • Matt shared a video of a homemade metal lathe.
  • Glen shared a video of a great Japanese design and a spinning blade of death.
  • Kyle Toth is making weird turnings again…and it’s awesome


  • Seth called in with some tool buying advice and recommended Phil Pinsky’s Maker Tech Review
  • Don deals with small cuts on the table saw with an L shaped fence
  • Tommasso said that he likes forums for tool reviews because you can get long term feedback on tools people have had for years


Nate is having cabinet problems and needs advice


  • Metis is looking for a better cutting board finish
  • Randle is looking for advice for starting a woodworking business
  • Tony has concrete walls in his shop and is looking for advice for wall storage

How You Can Support Us

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One reply on “WT335 – Marc Likes Fishnets”

Hi Guys,

I wanted to add a couple of cents on the subject of getting square cuts on plywood and such. I have the Festool track saw which I use primarily for ripping my first straight edge on rough lumber and for cutting down sheet goods. Recently I’ve been working with my woodworking newbie son-in-law to build a large free standing cabinet/desk for their kitchen. Since he’s still short on experience (sort of an every-time-is-the-first-time situations sometimes) he often has a problem with the track moving on him while he’s making his cuts. So last week I thought I’d give him a little insurance and used the little push-me-pull-you Festool clamps to hold the track in place. We ripped both sides of four boards to glue up a panel (it didn’t matter in this case if the two long edges on each board were perfectly parallel). When we got done and put the four boards in place to glue them up, none of the cuts were actually straight… each was cut with a slight convex curve, like the opposite of making a spring joint. After a little head scratching I figured out that the clamps had actually pushed the track a little bit out of a straight line. I guess I squeezed too much pressure into the clamps. So I guess this long post is just to ask if others had the same experience, and to warn others that this can happen.

Thanks for the time and effort you all put into your show and your sites.

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