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WT350 – The Mulligan Show

On today’s weekend show, we’re talking about a bunch of stuff as we are grabbing a whole bunch of email questions.

What Are We Talking About

Jacob Morrill
What would you say are the quintessential wood working furniture projects that one could build and be able to say “If I can build these, I can build anything”?

John Verreault
What temperature extremes (cold and/or hot) do you three gents call it quits for woodworking outdoors?

Bob De Vries
Hello Marc et al, I’m hoping you are willing since I know you are able, to help me with this. I purchased some cherry for a project. As I am milling it I find a fair amount of sap wood and other parts that aren’t as cherry colored as I would like. I hopefully will be able to find enough color match that I like but I got to thinking about the wood set aside. I understand cherry is photo reactive, Shannon correct me here if I got the term wrong. Does cherry darken all the way from the heart to the xylem and phloem? Will the sap wood darken if so to what shade? If not is there a way to color it? Would you try to even out the colors? Now wooden shoe rather be woodworking? Thanks so much

Tommaso Valeriano
Since Marc has moved back into the lands of seemingly unending winter, he now has to heat his shop. What do you guys use to heat your shops? And sawdust, we all produce a lot of it, have you guys looked into using it as a heat source?

Kevin Kittinger
Hi Marc, Shannon, and Matt. How do you handle and dispose of left over solvents like paint thinner, alcohol and lacquer thinner. After cleaning bushes I usually have a quart mixing cup that is 1/3 full of nasty looking solvent. Do you dump them into a gallon container and bring a mixed solvent container to local hazmat center? Just curious.

I know each of you consider yourselves content creators as well as woodworkers. But if you weren’t a woodworker, what kind of content would you create?

Matt Green
If you could only get one would you get a Domino or a mortising machine.

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8 replies on “WT350 – The Mulligan Show”

I enjoyed the Mulligan show (The second one was better than the first)and your comments on mortise and tenon versus the domino machines. Any thoughts on dovetail making and hand made versus dovetail jigs?

Marc you’d really should do some cooking shows. I’ve recently got into smoking and would be interested into your process.

Any chance of getting Marc’s series of curses/expletives when he figures out the recording isn’t right? As a Patreon bonus episode? 😉

Guys –
Forgive my ignorance on this one, but it could be a good learning moment.
A couple of times in the last weeks you have stated “NEVER, NEVER, NEVER cut rough saw lumber on the table saw”.(well, that was the implication). I don’t have a chop saw so cut 5/4 and 8/4 to approx. lengths all the time before I plane them. I’m assuming rough sawn is as it comes from the lumber years. As long as it’s not severely twisted it would lay flat on the table, so I’m missing something here that could be potentially harmful.

Yous Guys (Yep, East Coast) have been a great help in my woodworking journey, and have been my #1 drive time podcast for years. Thanks for everything.

Rob Grow

If the bottom of your board is not flat, it could bind against the blade as you proceed against through the cut, causing a kick back. Cross cutting might be a little safer than ripping, but kickback is still a real risk. I don’t cut rough stock on a mjter saw either. I use a hand saw, jig saw or my tracksaw.

Lumber generally comes 1 of 3 ways from the lumber yard:
Rough Sawn: this is straight off the sawmill. The board will be fuzzy and generally not flat

S2S or S3S: The board will be surfaced on 2 or 3 sides. It is generally flatter than rough sawn but not perfecrly flat.

S4S: Theoretically this board is flat and should be ready to use. But wood moves all the time and even if it was flat at one time, it might not be.

I only buy rough or S2S. I rough cross cut to size using a hand held saw. I rough rip on my bandsaw then joint a face, joint an esge, plane the opposite face and rip the opposite edge. I want my boards as flat as possible before touching a tablesaw, because I like my fingers and internal organs and I will go the urologist when I want a vasectomy.

Hi guys, enjoyed listening to episode 350 and your discussion around the Festool Domino and a mortiser. I’ve never created a mortise and tenon by hand, but was considering purchasing a domino for an upcoming farmhouse table build to keep the table top aligned. Should I learn how to do the mortise and tenon by hand before purchasing (this is something I want to learn but not sure if I should before making the table, the wife really wants the table now)?

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