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WT390 – Parenting & Making Stuff

On the Weekend Show, Bob from I Like to Make Stuff joins us for a discussion about parenting and making stuff.


One reply on “WT390 – Parenting & Making Stuff”

Butcher block counter top question

I am doing a large (10 feet x 30 inches — 1.5 inch thickness) butcher block counter top for a kitchen my wife and I are remodeling. I have done one in maple about half that size. I am having trouble envisioning a glue-up of this magnitude. It will likely be in walnut, I have rough walnut slabs from a couple trees I milled with a friend about 18 months ago, but Its not all 10 feet in length so I will have to use staggered lengths to get to the final dimensions (I am picturing a pattern like a hardwood floor).

I have a 20 inch planer so I could do this in two sections, but guys I’m hesitant. I am picturing the nightmare of all glue-ups with staggered length boards. The way I see it I have 3 options. (1) Staggered length glue up with multiple clamping directions (2) Use the 10 foot slabs I have and buy enough 10 foot stock from the local mill to finish — I know this seems expensive but not compared to most counter top materials per square foot. (3) I have not completely ruled out end-grain, but this approaches the realm of the ridiculous.

I would appreciate any input or experience you guys might have with this

P.S. I have already suggested running the boards the short way and have been outvoted

P.P.S If you end up suggesting the staggered length approach can I borrow some of Marc’s clamps

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