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WT416 – I Couldn’t Hold it In

On today’s show we’re talking about: a bench for a hybrid woodworker, speeding up the cherry’s color change, building for tools, and the morality and ethics of taking inspiration.


  • Travis has a question about darkening the color of Cherry
  • Kevin is building stuff for money for tools


  • A conversation about a power tool centric workbench
  • Cody wants to know when you give credit for someone else’s design

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5 replies on “WT416 – I Couldn’t Hold it In”

I was reading an interesting argument on a FB page about blacksmithing. (I’m not one but would like to play with it some) about welding better metal to a harbor freight anvil for better bounce. the resulting argument was you from those who say you can’t and those who say you can but shouldn’t. i assumed the guy was trying to be snarky when he posted this link

Welding wood. ever heard of it before?

For a hybrid/power tool work bench I built the Jack-bench. It has classic maple top with dog holes, twin screw vise, quick release front vise, and a 12 volt scissor jack to raise and lower the bench top to any level I need( within reason). It does a great job as an outfeed table as well. Yes Shannon, it does have a power strip on the side.

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