WT425 – Latina Bandsaw

On today’s show we’re talking about: grain tear out, bandsaw upgrades, why do they like gray and how can we stop it?, Woodworking stuff in Europe, and what lathe setup to start with.

What’s On the Bench

  • Marc is practicing to be the photographer on The Love Boat
  • Matt is building Highboy drawers
  • Shannon experimented with the Maloof joint cut by hand

What’s New


  • Hunter wants to know why all the mass produced furniture and “modern” stuff is all gray
  • Paul is heading to Europe on a trip and asks what we would do that is woodworking related


  • Chris got a new bandsaw and is curious about aftermarket guides
  • Bobby is getting started in turning and wonders about what he needs besides a lathe
  • Mychal is getting tearout when carving spoons and wonders what he is doing wrong

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3 replies on “WT425 – Latina Bandsaw”

Hey Gents,

So happy to read that you guys aren’t quitting… !

Being that this is my first time writing in, I’d like to be a tad greedy and ask two questions. As a beginner wood worker (I’m only three years down the lonely sawdust trail), but for some cray reason – I’m loving the frustrating journey!

My first question is easy, I’m thinking of getting a Lie Nielsen low-angle hand plane, and my question is, “would you suggest that I get the #164 smoothing plane or the #62 jack plane. I’ve asked two wood working friends and they’ve differed on their choices – YIKES!?

Next up is my need/quest for the proper drawknife. I’m not looking to purchase anything new, in fact I want to find something at a flea market or online. My question is size; again this would be my first drawknife and.. most likely it’s going to be my only one for sometime to come. I’m currently looking for an 8″ Greenlee, Swan or something else worth owning, what blade size would you suggest an 8” or smaller? Bevel down, bevel down, bevel down…!!!

BTW: WoodTalk is the best (sorry Mark…) podcast offering on the web – keep keep’in it real, I’m learning a ton each and every week!

-Greg J.

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