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WT104 – This Forum Sucks!

What’s on the bench?

Shannon: back from The Woodwright’s School with Windsor ready to finish up. Working on toolbox prototypes.
Matt: playing with Sketchup and actually putting to use some features he was previously intimidated by. Recommends FWW SketchUp Guide and Bob Lang’s Woodworker’s Guide to SketchUp
Marc: Dream shop is nearing completion. Festool CMS Router Table review.

Around the Web

Amazing video about woodworking for the blind. Watch Now!
Utah Man Creates Woodworking Class for the Visually Impaired
New podcast! Billy’s Little Bench
Dr. Who fans rejoice! Build a Tardis
Tardis Builders
Looking to run compressed air lines in your shop? Check out Rapidair
If you are sick of the crappy fence that came with your tablesaw, check out VerySuperCoolTools!
Buy and sell woodworking plans at SawToothIdeas.


How to prevent burning stopped chamfers.
Advice from Nick the police officer on how to deal with stolen woodworking tools.

Join us next time for a special call-in show!

14 replies on “WT104 – This Forum Sucks!”

One of my favorate things I like about your show is hearing about cool links. Speaking of cool, the one link you mentioned is “Very Super Cool Tools” As in many fixturing projects in the wood working world and Tool & Die industry (which is my background)this product is used alot. We carry the extruded material is our shop for machine frames, fixtures and machine guarding. If you wish to come up with your own fixture component to adapted to any of you tools check around like 20/20, Reid Supply plus many others. Thanks Marc for sharing. I also like your other link “saw tooth ideas” That also interest me. My background is CAD design. That could let me share some of my ideas.


First of all…you better reply to this post or I’ll say you all suck in reviews. Just kidding.

For what it’s worth, I like the every couple of weeks podcast schedule. In years past you’ve kind of lost me during your hiatus. I’m a huge fan so I come back, but this more constant schedule puts me on point and makes me look forward to the next one. As a matter of fact, since I listen to this in the office, my co-workers sitting near me have gotten used to the schedule.

Also, today’s gem is definitely the poofing. I’ll have to watch out more when I walk around so I’m sure glad I listen to the three of you!


PS. I agree Marc. Mahogany gets darker and walnut gets lighter. Seen it first hand in my projects.

Great show as always. Full of little gems and nuggets, if not the occasional poof. I’ve been building my stock of woodworking links and you presented several this time for which I’ve got a great deal of interest.

I have to say that I’m also a little bit mad at the three of you. You caused me to finally cross over to the dark side. I finally signed up for iTunes so that I could get all of your Podcasts. My computer had been bogging on some of them when I watched/listened to them on your blog sites but the seem to present flawlessly when I follow them in iTunes. Follow that up with buying a used iPod so that I can listen to them on the way work (55 minute commute) or during my lunch hours. My friend says I haven’t truly crossed over until I join Facebook – so far I’ve avoided that although I have become active on Google+.

Thanks again. Lots of great stuff on this show and some good laughs as well.


I use the Festool dust extractor speed control to keep noise as low as possible, while still getting the job done. Router always full blast. At times I just use the extractor to clean up hand sanding dust. That doesn’t require as much suction or noise, so it gets turned down. I like it.

I used the Festool extractor with an older Porter-Cable ROS with reasonable results. I have since upgraded to the Festool 150/3 and am very pleased with using it.

re: Forum activity
I really miss having the TWO Forum “recent posts” on the home page. Whenever visiting the home page at least one of the 3-4 posts listed would grab my attention and I’d head over to the Forum and once there usually see a few more items of interest. Without that teaser I almost never look at the Forum posts. Please return my missing teaser box. Thank you. I wonder if others have similar reaction (or lack of) without the home page post.

Re: Teaser
To provide at least one answer to your question: this WWer heads to the forum every day or every other day as a matter of course. I personally don’t miss the link on the TWW homepage. However, thinking back, it seems to me that the teaser you mentioned was what got me in the habit of reading the latest post in the first place so I understand your thought process. To me though, I prefer a cleaner first page over one that has everything I need.


Another great show as usual…..

regarding the “lightening of walnut”……this absolutely does occur and does so pretty drastically, depending on the type of finish and exposure to natural light. I have walnut as my flooring throughout most of the first floor of my home. When I lift the rug that is in my entryway, the flooring that is covered and not exposed to any light is dramatically darker than the surrounding flooring. There is a big dark square where the rug once laid. This flooring is less than 2 years old, and the lightening was noticeable after only a few months. just an FYI.

When you guys were talking about SawTooth Ideas, you mentioned an iOS app that can be used to view the plans. But I cant find that app anywhere — what’s the name of it?

I have found Sawtooth Ideas to be a very professional group of people. I think the app will be available very soon. You can see a video of what is coming by clicking the link below…

Pretty cool really and it underscores the serious approach they are taking towards providing resources for woodworkers.


Awesome as always. I Don’t know what would be more embarassing, being caught by my girlfriend late at night listening to your podcast or looking at porn. Anyway I really dug the links in this episode. I thought the blind woodworkers link was inspiring and the verysupercooltools link is both very super and cool. I’m gonna have to get me one of those fences.

I can relate a lot to the slippery slope (Festool) conversation. The comparison to Apple products is very relevant. I started with the CT26 and RO125. I am embarrassed to admit that my SANDER only cost me 65$ less than my TABLE SAW, however the quality is impressive. No one gets excited about a sander, but I did. I also purchased the OF1400. Yeah, I am now THAT guy, but I am OK with it.

Festool has so many comparisons everywhere…

At the airport, it’s the Bose active noise reduction pilot’s headset. At least every quarter for the last 10 years, the latest “Bose Killer” is released by someone. ;^)

Then there’s the iPad vs. Android tablets… or certain European cars… even Lie Neilsen hand tools…

For many generations, it came down to if your personal experience makes the item seem worth the extra money, it is. If it didn’t, you can be happy with the cheaper example, or the item you already own. But today is different! You can look at a picture online, decide it’s way overpriced compared to “yours”, then go online and tell everyone what a ripoff the premium product is… Even if you’ve never actually personally used it.

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