WT220 – Lil’ Dado and the Rabbets

On today’s show, we’re talking about using a sliding dovetail to stabilize a panel, fixing gappy dados, and cleaning your files and rasps.

What’s on the Bench?

  • Marc is feelin’ groovy working on his chest of drawers or dresser or bureau.
  • Matt is getting matchy matchy with his chest dados.
  • Shannon is on the bent lam[b] with a Get Woodworking project.

What’s New?

Poll of the Week

Have you ever taught another woodworker?


  • Adam reminded us that glue and sawdust also makes a great pore filler.
  • Lucas called us back to update us on the workbench he built over Christmas break instead drinking and partying like the other college kids
  • Dave was concerned about excess moisture in the wood if it is stored outside like in Shannon’s lumber shed.


  • Jacob wants to know if he can use sliding dovetails to stabilize a wide panel cabinet door.
  • Alan wants to know how to fix a gappy dado.
  • Chris wants to know if he should and how to clean his files and rasps.

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One reply on “WT220 – Lil’ Dado and the Rabbets”

Hi guys,

Greetings from France!

Re the sliding dovetail discussion prompted by Jacob, this is exactly what I did on a project involving 3 by 8 foot sliding door. The door is basically a huge solid wood panel, and I added 3 dovetails keys to try to avoid warping (near the top, in the middle, and near the bottom).

I secured each key in the middle with a dowel that goes through the key and halfway through the panel. The dowels are glued in place. This allows the panel to expand/contract around the key to both sides from the middle.

I live near the sea, and air humidity levels change all the time. After one year the panel is still flat and visibly expaning/shrinking, basically living its life.

I’m not an expert woodworker, so maybe my ‘dowel’ idea was bad, but so far so good 😉

Love the show! Keep up the good work!


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