Cross Eye Domination | Wood Talk 572
How NOT to take a Summer vacation, table saw flatness, coping with cross-eye dominance, wet legs, and plywood voids.
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How NOT to take a Summer vacation, table saw flatness, coping with cross-eye dominance, wet legs, and plywood voids.
Kids getting started in woodworking, shop lighting, woodworking slumps, and hand planed vs sanded surfaces.
tool knock-offs, resawing thin stock, glue and brads, which epoxy and saving the cherry trees.
It’s show #568 On today’s show, we’re talking about hard vs soft sanding pads, the purpose of a shavehook, PVA glue life, emotional projects, Cabinets
woodworker vs the HOA, sharpening a card scraper, flat bottom table saw cuts, and disposable blade hand planes
shoulder planes?, the very super cool tools fence, and a question about router fences that Matt probably can’t answer.
Oops! All Questions episode. We’re talking about some new tools, the longevity of glue joints, uses for CNC, and domestic hardwood alternatives.
It’s show #565 On today’s show, we’re talking about power jointers vs jointer planes, finishing shop walls, which smoothing plane, and regretting Harvey Tools
Balancing a home shop and a work shop, Black Friday recap, and a whole bunch of kickback from YOU.
gluing in the cold,dog hole placement, & Maintaining surfacing router bits
It’s show #562 On today’s show, we’re talking about dealing with analysis paralysis, keeping Purpleheart purple, our favorite podcasts. Sponsored by You If you want
Choosing a smoothing plane, tung oil finish problems, and why face frames first.
Employees, woodworking isn’t a real job, and what impresses you?
Pre-fab cabinets (should you?), leg and rail construction, setting grinder angles, router bit safety
It’s show #558 On today’s show, we’re talking about the current state of plywood, the new Rip-it fence, and making stuff flat & square. Sponsored
It’s show #557 On today’s show, we’re talking about Handworks, dust masks with beards, quartersawn Oak, and why do my miters suck? Woodworking News Marc
Transitional jointer planes, making a wide taper on a large slab, what happens to Matt’s wood?!
handsaws for the hybrid woodworking shop, allergic reactions to Rubio, epoxy butterfly inlays, any woods to avoid in the BBQ?
Wood grain at the lumber yard, end grain cutting board finish, and Bandsaw Speed
trusting other people’s measurements, domino vs dowel joinery, split top or not, and dealing with the poor decisions of previous homeowners.
Raised panels by hand, electronics in the shop, and selling a tree.
Electricity for woodworkers, cheap hand planes, refinishing a Walnut table, what to do with old saw blades, woodworking in someone else’s shop, and snapping bandsaw blades.
Hand plane blades, Domino Connectors vs Ikea, Finish Curing in cold temps, and Wood floor expansion.
Norm Abram the YouTuber, why’s Matt so small and shy yet confident, features of an all in one workbench, and organizing portable power tools.
Robot vacuums for the shop, hand saw sharpening, is this thing sharp enough?
Expired wood, barn inspiration, and personal responsibility in the Maker Community
Cutting an angled mortise, what to do with the boule cap and using massive slabs for a workbench.
We’re talking about what does “credibility” look like in 2023? Pore-filling, getting shop time when you have kids, and finishing only one side of a board.
Rubio and the fantastic finishing fallacy, Scrub planes, and “bought a bandsaw mill, now what?”.
We’ve got a grab bag of odd questions. Don’t blame us…you asked.
Which power tools to buy first, which hand plane to buy first, and jointer bed length
Why you’ll go poor trying to sell lumber, Torrefied wood doors, mortising by hand, and good uses for flooring off-cuts.
Making barn videos, sharpening curved blades, learning how to train someone in a one-man shop, and we heard from you guys about a bunch of things that are Matt’s fault!
Woodworking and mental health, a Moxon vise as your only vise, why a quick release mechanism doesn’t exist for table saw blades, and tools that have been in storage.
Predicting sag on shelves, modern design with hand tools, and cutting up pretty boards
Demonstrating woodworking, shoulder planes, dealing with splinters, applying Rubio to a frame & panel, breadboard popularity, and premium router table set ups.
What is straight, the ugly truth about content creation, and plywood vs solid wood.
Why you should never write in to criticize this show, workbench or hand tools first, jointing wood, bandsaw brakes, and when to seal logs?!
glue for veneering, marc the voiceover guy, stealing designs, and buying lumber locally.
It’s show #532! On today’s show, we’re talking about Japanese vs western saws, bit storage, and designing a woodshop layout from scratch. Sponsored by You
Food safe finish with tung oil, Cherry color change, are chainsaw mills sketchy, and Marc’s firehouse thingie.
It’s show #530 On today’s show, we’re talking about tool reviews, options for resawing a wide slab, smoking with project scraps and straight edges. Sponsored
Using dye on Walnut, card scraping a cutting board, and Making boards longer.
What we look for in an ideal shop space, diamond saw files, dealing with a wife that oversteps her bounds, and owning multiple sets of tools.
Refining curves with a spokeshave, dining table design conundrum, and Random Orbital Sander Speeds
Getting old sucks, changes for Marc, skewed plane blades, and are cantilevered drum sanders worth it?
Russian Birch plywood, putting a project on pause, and what’s the difference between quilting and curl?
Just because we love you all so much it’s time for a rapid fire question and answer edition of WoodTalk.
Unsolicited advice, plywood vs solid wood, and milling boards in real time, and sanding to high grits.
Sliding dovetails in thin stock, the best finish for a kitchen countertop, and a Contractor Table Saw vs Cabinet Saw
Woodworking magazines, communicating with our followers, and do we actually need to upgrade tools in order to get better?
Attaching a face frame to a case, getting a good deal on lumber, and insurance.
We’re talking about wedged round tenons, succeeding without being a wiener, and sawdust disposal
Buying your first hardwoods, assemblies with no dings, and roubo from slabs.
Staying in our lanes, Domino knockoffs, and pots and pans schmoo.
Using a router to make a round table top, C-channel for table tops, EnduroVar II, and Stabilizing punky wood
Dimensioning lumber, a stupid question about pre-finishing, flattening boards wider than your jointer
Wooden moulding planes, how to improve a raw linseed oil finish, Trapezoid case mitered angles
wood movement, air filtration in a garage shop, benchtop jointers
Extra screws, how Minwax stain works, and Design Intellectual property.
Micro bevels, cross cut sleds vs miter gauges, veneer glue that won’t kill you….I think, and how much work do to on used tools.
Killing shop reverb, planer speeds, and woodworking on a metal table.
Hand tools for the power tool user, which finishes spontaneously combust, Drilling big and deep into end grain.
Baltic Birch frustration, sanding before finishing, finishing an outdoor bench, and what’s the deal with compression bits?!
Kerfing planes, close calls, and why rustic furniture is crap.
Shooting miters, milling on long projects, making shiplap, and the correct way to mark with a measuring tape.
Midcentury roundovers, woodworking terminology, woodworking with newborns, and Random Orbit Sanders vs Sheet Sanders
Our bad attitudes, Veritas MKII issues, sealing a wooden coffee container, and using the wrong tool for the job.
Replaceable saw blades, Beadlock, thingamabobs, sawdust allergies, and drying wood cookies.
Warped lids, workbench vises, finish for a cedar chest, where to find screws, and Matt’s Wood lot.
Workbench height, end grain routing, hand planing body language and so much more. And to celebrate 500 episodes of this dumb show, we’re doing to do a celebratory woodworking quiz.
Why woodworkers hate IKEA, MDF for a bench top, choosing a grinder, and bandsaw capacity vs quality. Also featuring your dumb questions!
Paralysis by analysis, the best way to learn woodworking, new vs vintage hand tools, and tool maintenance schedules. Also now featuring your funny captions
Table saw extension wings, what you get when you pay more for a random orbit sander, wet wood, identifying wood, and material for a new bench top.
Wood movement, rasps, diamond stones, store bought workbenches, and finding free logs.
On today’s show we’re talking about how our concept of a “dream shop” can change over the years.
We’re talking about precision and accuracy.
We’re talking about what we’re thankful for!
We’re talking about things we specifically don’t upgrade and why!
We’re talking about Matt. Seriously, it’s all about Matt and his new house and new shop.
Today we doing a Q&A show to clean out our inbox…and to answer your questions.
With the holiday season soon upon us we are talking about gifts for the woodworker.
With the holiday season soon upon us, we are talking about making gifts for others.
We’re talking about what you do after you have your design.
Today we are talking about how we design our projects
Today we are talking about workbench vises and workbench alternatives.
Finishing mistakes and how to fix them.
Cleaning out our inbox and doing a Q&A show.
Our thoughts on the one and only Dovetail joint.
It’s show #474 For June 16th, 2020, and today we are talking Mortise and Tenon joinery Sponsored by You If you want to help support