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On today’s show we’re talking about how to achieve a white lacquer finish, small dust collectors, and gouges for hinge installation.
What’s on the Bench?
- Marc is Maloofing his Maloofy Maloof Chair
- Shannon installed a mailbox and some other home improvement stuff.
- Matt finished his MattKEA project with the help of his wife.
What’s New?
- Shawn Graham has another interesting take on woodworking education for kids.
- Mt Vernon built a virtual tour website where you can see a lot of nice furniture.
- Kurt Balleby Pipes, a cool video on pipe making. Smoke if you got ’em
Poll of the Week
What do you do with your woodworking magazines?
- Apparently a LOT of you guys transport lumber as our Truck Yeah episode received a ton of feedback including a the roof rack surfing Dyami who strongly endorses roof racks for moving lumber.
- Nathan has some good advice on managing humidity with air movement
- KT wants us to build projects and have a competition for our wives to build it the fastest like this video:
- Heath wants to know how to tint lacquer.
- Matt is looking for a small footprint dust collector.
- Serious Turtle is looking for a gouge to install hinges.
How You Can Support Us
Use the links in the left column and sign up for a recurring donation, kick it up a notch and wear a Wood Talk T-Shirt, or leave us an iTunes Review
6 replies on “WT246 – Serious Roof Surfing Turtle”
Hey guys, love the show – I wanted to comment on using tints in lacquer. As a guitar builder, having a perfect surface under the tinted lacquer is really important if you want that glass smooth surface, most luthiers use filler and a vinyl sealer or shellac or primer sanded perfectly flat. Also, one thing hobby luthiers do for color coats is to use automotive lacquer (NOT enamel) mixed by an auto body supplier. It’s acrylic, but nitrocellulose or acrylic lacquer can be used as a top coat. You can use shellac as a barrier if it makes you uncomfortable to coat nitro over acrylic. In the 60’s, Fender guitars used auto lacquer under nitro (stock gm colors, actually) before going to the urethane based setup they now use. It makes for a repeatable color, should you want to match it for another product. The spray cans from the auto parts store can be used with great result on smaller projects. The Telecaster forum ( has a lot of info on this type of finish.
For tinting lacquer, look online for guitar (re)finishing resources. Most high end guitars are nitrocellulose lacquer, pigmented for the first few coats, then clear coats on top before wetsanding.
This is where I got my info when I refinished a guitar in white, years ago before I knew anything about woodworking:
Also good:
Do you guys still broadcast live. I’ve listened to the recent shows and working my way from the beginning to the end. Currently, I’m at #105 and you still are doing live shows, but I take it maybe you aren’t anymore?
Every Monday at 6pm Eastern.
Kickback – WT246
Ummmmm .. so I bought a chisel to help me install hinges. I took the hinge to Woodcraft and compared the curve to the chisels and bought the one that matched the best.
Kickback about Mt. Vernon tour. This reminded me of a super resource- google art project
Search “chair” and you’ll be blown away with what comes up. As an art teacher without the means for a field trip, this is just as good if not better. You can zoom in far more than you could approach the art.