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WT347 – Now With 33.3% More Matt

On today’s show, we’re talking about favorite finishing books, to sharpen router bits or not, miter saws vs table saws, and plywood with hand tools???

What’s On the Bench

  • Marc is finally setting up his shop and getting tablesaw hate
  • Matt is working on benches to go with the Farmhouse Table
  • Shannon is fighting with his Internet provider

What’s New

  • Bob shared a video on making a dodecahedron.
  • IKEA is introducing new joinery made on a CNC that eliminates table aprons.
  • Bubinga and the Rosewoods (Dalbergia genus) have been added to the CITES appendix II list. Check out this podcast for a good discussion on what this means.
  • Brian shared an algorithmically designed chair.
  • Mark shared a video of a guy building a hot tub using a massive Felder machine.


  • Josh is very happy with his lathe situation
  • William’s goals for the new year is to stop piddling around in the shop and get stuff done.
  • Gary meant no offense and didn’t mean to add jerk juice and admits that email doesn’t capture the feeling of a comment.
  • Jordan wants us to rib Matt more
  • Brock is using 12 year old West Systems epoxy with no ill effects


  • Don has a finishing question on using Danish Oil and Lacquer
  • Brian wants to know whether a miter saw is needed when you have a table saw


  • Jay is looking for book recommendations on finishing books
  • Chuck wants to know if we resharpen or toss router bits
  • John wonders which saw and geometry is best for hand sawing plywood

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19 replies on “WT347 – Now With 33.3% More Matt”

Mark, I would love to meet you. I heard you say you were having a meet and great in Denver on the 19th. Can you email me and trek me what time and where. Great show. Thanks Tim

I am wanting a finish that does not change the natural color of my hardwood floor. You had suggested Sherwin Williams CAB acrylic lacquer. Also called a “water white”. I have just learned that Sherwin Williams has discontinued this item. Can you suggest a replacement or similar product so the color of the floor does not change? Many thanks Patricia in San Francisco

OK, so I was hoping that I wouldn’t have to be the dipwad to point this out but since nobody else has, I elect myself. Bad math Marc! It wasn’t 33.3% more Matt. It was either 16.7% more or 50% more, depending on perspective.

So, I get the logic… normally each of the three of you are 33.3% of the show. If one is missing then there must be 33.3% more of the other two. Nuh-uh… You could do this in one of two ways. Normally, Matt is 33.3% of the show. This week he was 50% of the show. That’s a 16.7% increase. Or… a better way to calculate it… a 16.7% INCREASE is half of Matt’s normal share, so there was actually 50% more Matt this week. Of course this doesn’t take account of the fact that Shannon managed to horn in for part of the show, so maybe you were right after all, it really was 33.3%.

Oh, and btw, don’t be hating on no ShopSmith. In a small shop with my SS as my main power tool (jointer, planer, table saw, band saw, disk sander, drum sander, drill press, biscuit jointer), in the last 18 months I’ve redone my kitchen, two bathrooms, an 8-to-10-seat dining table, and several smaller projects. A couple of years ago I did a king size bed with some danged large pieces. The SS has it’s drawbacks, but in a non-dedicated garage workshop it lets me do some pretty decent work.

Thanks guys, and keep up the good work.

P.S. Marc, I’m about to start the G&G Adirondack chairs as a wedding present to my son and his fiance. Thanks for the really cool design.

Aren’t you assuming that the missing 33% (Shannon) is being split equally? i.e 16.5% more Marc and 16.5% more Matt to make up the difference. What if Mark was forgoing his 16.5% and making Matt make up the full 33%?

Did you think of THAT JERK FACE!!! 😉

I realize you’ve already gotten rid of your cardboard, but you can also
try various Freecycle sites (set up per city in my experience) or post up
“free moving boxes” on either Craigslist or local bulletin boards. There’s
always a ton of people locally scouring store dumpsters locally for moving


(Ps: not dead yet.)

For a finishing book recommendation have a look at; The New Woodfinishing Book by Michael Dresdner and published by Taunton Press.

-“I stopped smoking; I’ll live longer and can breath. Life is better now. I think I’ll encourage others to find that freedom.”

-“I found a belief that has made my life better in every measurable way. I’ll share that with people so they can have the same benefit if they choose.”

-“Why didn’t you buy the brand I like?”

One of those is not like the others.

Good show. Appreciate all the helpful info and the time you put into it. Probably unwise to take pot shots at a core belief of half your audience. Your show consists of finding a new/better way of doing something and then sharing it for the benefit of others. I suspect a few “uber-annoying” Christians would say they do the same.

I’m sure an “uber-annoying” Christian WOULD think what they do is the same as what we do with this show, but they’d be wrong. We do a publicly-available show that anyone can download. We don’t force people to listen to it. We answer questions and give advice we feel is in the best interest of others. But we don’t offer unsolicited advice. The difference is huge.

And with your examples, they are actually all the same. The SawStop comment would be “My fingers are safe now because I bought this particular saw and I want your fingers to be safe too.” At the heart, it’s someone who probably means well and wants you to be safer. But it’s the condescending approach and lack of tact (by some of these people, not all) that grinds the gears.

My comment was by no means a “pot shot”. It was a simple observation/opinion about a small segment of the population. I’m talking about people who aggressively try to push their viewpoints on others. I have never smoked in my life and find it to be a disgusting habit. But would I ever go up to an adult smoker and let them know how bad it is for their health? Absolutely not. Now if they asked me my opinion, I’d be happy to share it. I also have very specific theological viewpoints, but you’ll never hear them unless you ask me for them. So I apologize if this offends you or anyone else, but pushing your unsolicited opinions onto other people is a very annoying personality trait. I guess I’m just more “live and let live” when it comes to lifestyle, beliefs, and personal habits, especially when it comes to people outside of my personal circle.

That’s a fair and reasonable reply. Thanks for making it.

I, too, find people forcing their beliefs distasteful. Conversely, unchecked egos and pride are becoming the hallmark of our culture. I believe a good part of why it is so rankling to have someone condescend or presume to offer unsolicited opinion is that our culture no longer values simple humility. Humility thanks a person for their willingness to share a given belief they feel would be helpful. Wisdom vets that belief and either takes it or discards it. Grace treats with decency those who rub us the wrong way. Pride and ego blow the person off as annoying.

I wasn’t offended by your remarks. The reason I commented is because I really enjoy your content and appreciate your style in general. You do a very good job of keeping politics and ridicule of beliefs out of your content. Perhaps, that is why that particular remark stood out? What I should have done is thank you rather than making my first comment one that picks apart 30 seconds of discussion in hours of content. So, I sincerely thank you for your outstanding content. I’ve learned a great deal about woodworking from your efforts, and your sense of humor makes it very entertaining and watchable.

As to the value of unsolicited advice, I respectfully disagree. I once had a person tell me to “get my but” out of my apologies. Meaning, any qualified apology is really a continuation of a disagreement under the guise of reconciliation. One of the many unsolicited pieces of advice I have been given for which I am grateful. I’d submit that if we really examine the motives which cause us (myself included) to be so bothered by such advice, we would find that in those motives were opportunities for personal growth. If I actually think back to the advice that really shaped me, almost all of it was the opposite of what I wanted to hear at the exact time I most did not want to hear it. I’d surmise that a good balance of laissez faire and tough love is where we ought to exist.

Thanks again for your work. That you approved and then responded to my comment shows a genuine quality which makes your stuff very watchable.

Thanks for the thoughtful reply John. We’re all friends here so I have no reservations having a calm discussion about comments made on the show. And believe me, I knew right after I said those words that I’d probably have to have a few of these discussions. Frankly this one is a lot more pleasant than I anticipated. 🙂 But this highlights and reinforces the exact reason why I never bring up things like politics or religion in my content. I’ll continue to hold to that policy and this particular show is pretty much the only time I even tapped my toe on the line.

And please don’t get me wrong on the whole unsolicited advice thing. We (me and my co-hosts) constantly receive unsolicited advice on all kinds of things ranging from our woodworking habits to our speech patterns to our appearance to our technical setup on the show. We do exactly as you say: we listen, we thank them, and we extract what’s useful and discard the rest. So I agree, unsolicited advice can certainly be productive. But there are some areas in life where unsolicited advice is generally unwelcomed and ill-advised (if you want to keep your friends). The advice you received sounds excellent in terms of learning how to have a constructive disagreement. That’s a very different area of self-improvement than say religious beliefs or chemical addiction. So I don’t want you to think I’m the type that turns my back on unsolicited advice. I just don’t think all unsolicited advice is created equal and when the unsolicited advice comes from strangers AND touches on highly sensitive personal issues, it becomes something that most people won’t look kindly on.

Stereotypes exist for a reason Todd. Usually because they’re based on some level of reality. In this case, my reality from my own experience. So yes, I called on two stereotypes to help illustrate my point. Unfortunately, many SawStop owners are creating their very own new stereotype.

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