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WT375 – We Want Mo Mona

On today’s show we’re talking about if the finish is ruined once it starts curing in the can and giving up on a tool or project

What’s On the Bench

  • Marc is making chair templates
  • Shannon installed track lighting

What’s New


  • Kurt, Grant, and Christian all have stories of Festool in the wild and it seems more craftsmen in the finer end of the spectrum use them.
  • Alex was deployed to an area with no trees and he got his lumber from pallets and broken furniture


  • Wade is getting pudding skin on his Arm-R-Seal
  • Connor wants to know if we have ever given up on a project or tool.

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4 replies on “WT375 – We Want Mo Mona”

Hey, guys,

Thought you and my fellow listeners might like to listen to Norm taking part in “his first podcast.” I found it via, which is a site worth checking out occasionally. The link to the podcast is:

Keep up the good work! I’ll be ordering some shirts soon to help keep your machines on in Marc’s and Matt Jr.’s shops, and candles to keep the lights on for Shannon – just wish I could order shirts from alll you guys through the one and only woodtalkonline site.

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