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WT384 – Tool Acquisition Disorder

On today’s weekend show, we’re talking about acquiring tools before you are ready.

What Are We Talking About

This topic comes out of the numerous emails we all get asking about buying tools or how to do something with a specific tool that lead us to wonder whether some of us (read, everyone at some point) has bought a tool before their skill set is ready for it. How can our tool acquisition disorder actually hold us back from building or growing our skills.

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2 replies on “WT384 – Tool Acquisition Disorder”

I’ve only built one piece of real furniture, the gaming table. Using Marc’s videos I was able to do it with a jobsite saw and a router. I’ve saved up and while I still need a bandsaw, looking at the dining chair I decided to get a domino vs bandsaw. I don’t know if it was the right call, but making 8 chairs, with max 5 hours of shop time a week, I need to get the chairs built prior to 2023. My bank account is still so very sad and angry with me though.

Hey guys thank u so much for all the content you guys put out. I’ve learned so much from u guys. Regardi g tool acquisition disorder (sounds like a real problem haha) As Someone that actually did that and then went to more traditional technique do you think that traditional makers look down on that? P.s I’ve been looking for Matt twerking videos…haven’t found them. Thanks guys.

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