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WT458 – Cool Your Balls

On today’s show, we’re talking about variable suction on a dust collector, having helpers in the shop, how to use turning tools, dealing with a twisted board, and wood allergies,

What’s On the Bench

  • Marc had hand surgery. Currently working on a bread box. Had a lumber shed built.
  • Shannon got a real vacuum pump, marquetry fun, bought a chainsaw, millwork adventures
  • Matt – made a guitar, finished the handtool cabinet

What’s New

  • AWFS July 17-20  – Come see Matt at the Triton booth and Marc at the Titebond booth.


  • Guy with the unpronounceable screen name says “Shannon, please make a project only using routers. Matt, please make a project using only MDF. Marc, Everything you’re doing is perfect. Thank you all for respecting your audience”

Lumber Industry Update

Tune in to the Lumber Update podcast every other week at

  • Will lumber prices fall for consumers when tariffs cause stock overages.


  • Alec asks why it is suggested to lower the suction on a sander when using it
  • Mitch asks Marc what it is like to have a helper in the shop now
  • Matt just got a lathe and tools and wonders about getting started with woodturning
  • Swedish Nuts has a Black Acacia log and wants to use it for a workbench
  • Selena asks about wood dust and resin allergies
  • David has some Maple with really bad twist and wonders how best to deal with it
  • Joshua wonders whether it is best to be a generalist or a specialist in our craft


2 replies on “WT458 – Cool Your Balls”

On the topic of generalization vs. specialization: If you are an “at-home all around handyman”, being a generalist is really useful. If you want to make money with it, it is a different story…

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