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503 – Shannon Hates Nurses

It’s show #503. On today’s show, we’re talking about our bad attitudes, Veritas MKII issues, sealing a wooden coffee container, and using the wrong tool for the job.

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What’s On the Bench

  • Marc is refinishing his front door
  • Matt is mowing the lawn
  • Shannon is making floating shelves using Rockler Hardware


Stephen likes our job site humor but thinks “Shannon is just mean”

Emails and Voicemails

  • Tom asks when and why we use the wrong tool for the job
  • Matt wonders which finish to use on a coffee dispenser
  • Scott wants to know if resawing by hand is something to be considered in a one off situation
  • Michael has Veritas MKII comments and woes

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Finally you can find us individually on Instagram at mattcremona, woodwhisperer, and renaissancewoodworker

9 replies on “503 – Shannon Hates Nurses”

Hey Shannon,
Checked with my wife, a registered nurse. RN’s can have a diploma from a hospital nursing program, or get their BSRN degree from a college or university. The diploma process is far more hands-on from day one, and was by far the most common process in earlier years, but the BSRN is now more common. My wife graduated from the Los Angeles County Medical Center nursing diploma program in 1972, and later got her BS in Nursing from Pepperdine University. Both our mothers were nurses who graduated from nursing diploma programs in the 1940’s in Ohio and Montana.

Isn’t an RN both the degree and the professional certification. I do not believe they are considered an RN until they have passed their professional examinations.

To muddy the waters there are LPNs which is typically a 2 year degree and a different certification process. The job responsibilities are typically different between RNs and LPNs.

And, just in case anyone wants to know, the exam is called the NCLEX (pronounced N-klecks) or National Council Licensure Examination.


I am a Registered Nurse, so I will just lay that on the table. I thought about what you said in episode 503 and I personally am not offended by your comment/curious question on the RN degree. But I could see how people could take it the wrong way. Although I do not do “bed side” nursing anymore, I know a few nurses that still work in the hospital setting especially on the general medical units and Intensive Care Units. This pandemic definitely hit them hard. I know some have PTSD from this past year or some sort of mental trauma from the pandemic. So maybe in the future, or at least until the pandemic goes almost away, maybe steer clear of any nursing (or other health care workers) comments that might be taken the wrong way. Again I was not offended by it but that is just me. Takes a lot to offend me I guess.

I’m a paramedic lucky to be married to an RN. She got her 2-year diploma from Chabot College and started working in hospital. While there she continued her education and got her BSN from CAL State, Hayward then she went to UCSF for her MSN. Yes, I married up. Way up!

Looking forward to the front door project. I have a very similar situation so I’ll be interested to see how you accomplish this!

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