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543 – Rubio and the Fantastic Finishing Fallacy

It’s show #543 On today’s show, we’re talking about Rubio and the fantastic finishing fallacy, Scrub planes, and “bought a bandsaw mill, now what?”.

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What’s On the Bench

  • Marc finished a dining table and re-doing an old dining table.
  • Shannon is in the midst of a website redesign and 12 years of data import.
  • Matt is done setting up the barn…sort of.


  • Adria wrote in to let us know she just finished all of Wood Talk with her Benjamin Button reverse play through. She started in April and finished at 4pm on December 13th.
  • New Yankee Workshop is finally uploading to YouTube
  • Brian has some good points about woodworking influencers and social media in general as it relates to our growth as woodworkers.

Listener Questions

  • Nathan isn’t impressed with Rubio Monocoat and asks why it is such a popular finish. Cue Marc’s rant.
  • Nate needs to flatten a slab wider than his jointer and asks why Marc had a Scrub plane and then got rid of it.
  • John bought a bandsaw mill and now has a lot of wide slabs but not the machinery to flatten them. What should his next steps be to deal with his lumber bounty?

Ask Us a Question

Send in questions via the contact form here on site or hit us up on IG at woodtalkshow or send us a voicemail using your phone voice memo app to

Finally you can find us individually on Instagram at mattcremona, woodwhisperer, and renaissancewoodworker

4 replies on “543 – Rubio and the Fantastic Finishing Fallacy”

I was listening to your show while working in the shop and have to disagree on the old shows, especially David Marks, being out of reach for the novice woodworker. I was inspired by him to stretch my limits. I learned vacuum veneering, making my own setup, that I still use. Made a headboard inspired by him, and after a few decades, finally completed a bedroom suite of cherry and lacewood veneer. All in a small workshop. I by no means could afford the newest and greatest tool, and made do with what I had, or could cobble together. I still use “David’s” finishing routine to this day, and see no reason to change to the finish of the month according to YouTube. I’m fortunate to be able to afford better tools now, but still long for the woodworking shows of yore. I will definitely revisit the New Yankee Workshop.

Also, I have NEVER posted any of my projects on social media. What I do is none of your business.

Just watched the YouTube version of the recent podcast. Enjoyed it, but Matt needs to fix the cabinet door next to the desk behind him.

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