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WT227 – Hand Tools Make a Better Power Tool User

On today’s WoodTalk “Weekend Edition”, we’re talking whether hand tools can improve your power tool skills.


Tim is wondering if becoming proficient with hand tools help your skills on wood working machines?

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5 replies on “WT227 – Hand Tools Make a Better Power Tool User”

The concepts discussed in this episode were very beneficial and true in my eyes. I recently graduated from a small architecture school outside of Detroit and our entire first year and a half we are forced to draw by hand. The University’s argument for this, which I believe to be true as well, is that when you put time and effort into every single line on a piece of paper it gives them meaning. Once we transitioned to CAD and similar programs the lines became objects and not meaningless vectors held within the computer.

Hand tools make you work, they take time, they take effort and I can completely see how it gives value to each and every cut; it becomes a permanent separation of two pieces of wood as opposed to a drop and a push of a miter saw.

Thanks for continuing to put out a great show. And for what it is worth I am truly loving these single topic shows because it allows the three of you to get deeper into meaningful discussion. I’m not saying that your normal shows are not meaningful but there are so many points that need to be hit that the depth of conversation can be compromised by time restraints.



Hey guys, really enjoy the show. Just wondering if you have any advice for a starting woodworker and video creator. Keep up with the great shows! Thanks.

Hello guys. This is the first one I’ve listened to. I’ve been a fan of Marcs since I started wood working about a year ago. And your talk show really was neat to listen to. It’s funny that I found meaning in this with regard to turning wrenches as well. As a young man, I would break things or blow tolerances just by going strait for the power tools. I’d walk 200 feet and past 10 sets of sockets or wrenches to grab a giant impact gun. As I’ve gotten older and more familiar with it, I’ve realized, like you said, that with hand tools you have a more intimate connection with your work. To the point that I rarely even have to torque things…I just kinda feel it. And the bulk of my power tools are now used for taking things apart rather than putting them together. History has repeated since getting into woodwork. I’ve been so worried about “I can’t do it because I cant afford the tool” that I’ve limited my realm of projects simply because I didn’t have a power tool to do it for me. The last couple months I’ve been getting some plains and all sorts of chisels and have seen a significant improvement in what I make as well as a significant decrease in “oh crap” moments. Anyhow this is getting long winded and I just wanted to say Great Show and thanks for sharing!

Hey guys, long time listener. I own a circular saw and bandsaw, both of which are utter junk and were purchased prior to really becoming a woodworker. My Dad was an all power tool woodworker and had an accident several years ago. For that reason, and several others, I started as a neanderthal woodworker. I have tried to use the bandsaw a couple times but its a cheap benchtop Ryobi and is just really bad. The lack of any experience in conjunction with being all handtools has made my learning curve rather steep. Having said that, I wouldnt trade my personal woodworking journey for the world! Thanks, and keep being awesome!

Hi Guy’s

Great show as always. In the current show wou mentioned that with power tools, many solutions revolve around buying the solution, whereas with the hand tools, one just picks up the planer and off you go. The issue I have with this is that the Veritas planes does not come free in a box of Crackerjacks. You are still buying a solution, It’s just you already have it.

Still, food for thought, and what I took away is that there is more than one way to skin a crocodile.


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