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WT432 – Pee in the Glue Pot

On today’s show we’re talking about: ozoroa reticulata, unnecessary expensive tools, cross grain workbench, and making a table lighter.

Today’s show is sponsored by Brusso Hardware

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  • Kevin wonders what he is missing by not mixing his own glue and shellac
  • Aaron wants to use Purpleheart and needs advice on color and complementary species


  • Leonid wants to find Oliepod Burl for future projects
  • Steve seeks tips on moving large projects around when working in the shop alone
  • Jason asks if there are any reasons to buy expensive tools when it comes to marking and measuring tools
  • Andy asks if laminating together a workbench top where the boards from from front to back instead of along the long axis could cause problems
  • Ryan wonders how to reduce the weight of a farm house table built from Hickory
  • Scott wonders what we would do if we actually did quit WoodTalk and our woodworking businesses

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