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WT463 – How Woodworking Has Changed in 10 Years

On today’s show we’re talking about How Woodworking has changed in the last decade, building a door, the future of furniture design, the Handworks show, table top glueups, and installing the Turbo Vise.

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We’d like to thank John Soderqvist, Andrew Klein, Nick Carruthers, Brodie Brickey, Jon, Design SC, Haven Woodcrafts, Dusko Pesic, Don Ritcheson, Christian Sapp.


  • Marc & Matt give a WorkbenchCon recap
  • Check out the guys from “We Built a Thing

Main Topic

How woodworking has changed in the past 10 years.

  • “Video podcasts” died and podcasts became audio only
  • iTunes lost all relevance for user-generated video
  • A conference like WOrkbnech Con exists and is thriving.
  • CnC is accessible and in-use by hobbyists
  • More tools acceptable yet also not
  • Big shops are A-OK
  • “How dare you use the Domino” became “why don’t you just use the domino?”
  • Epoxy went from adhesive to building material
  • Slabs became overvalued
  • Finishing got easier
  • Influencer marketing took hold
  • Woodworking Magazines are completely irrelevant
  • Woodworkers became “makers”
  • People feel pressured to monetize their hobby
  • YouTube channel/IG has become the new business card. People I meet saying “ I don’t have a YouTube channel or anything”
  • Viewers are much more jaded to advertising
  • Free tools are easier than ever to get
  • But still impossible to get sponsorship from hand tool companies
  • Books went out now slowing coming back
  • workbenches got fancier
  • blogs are dead…yet lumberjocks is still a thing
  • we have more glue options

Voicemails & Emails

  • Tyler has an exterior front door question
  • Brodie wonders what direction the future of furniture design will take
  • Christian asks is the trip to Handworks is worth it
  • Anonymous asks about a table top glue up
  • Gordon asks if an inner jaw spanning his split top bench is necessary with an end vise

Contact Us

Send in questions via the contact form here on site or hit us up on Instagram at woodtalkshow or send us a voicemail using your phone’s voice memo app and email it

Finally you can find us individually on Instagram at mattcremona, woodwhisperer, and renaissancewoodworker

Social Homework

Post the earliest photo you have of your shop and use the hashtag #woodtalk463

3 replies on “WT463 – How Woodworking Has Changed in 10 Years”

Marc I believe it was you who in this episode mentioned some podcast you’ve been listening to lately (maker/woodworker related). I can’t recall what it was and as much as I love to hear your voices, I’d prefer not to listen back through the episode again . Could you please be so kind as to inform a lazy blob such a myself?

I don’t think Matt’s comment about Fine Woodworking was very smart. You all mentioned at some point how difficult it can be to find project that can be interesting to your viewers (original but not too much, tools required, amount of wood involved, price of hardware, …) and kumiko at least for the time being is a nice change from “yet another hand cut dovetail chest of drawer”.

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