It’s show #501. On today’s show, we’re talking about fixing a warped lid, workbench vises, finish for a cedar chest, Where to find screws, and Matt’s Wood lot.
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What’s On the Bench
- Marc is reading the Rockler sales flyer in his…ahem…office
- Matt is playing forklift rodeo
- Shannon is making shadow boxes
Emails and Voicemails
- Lyle has some feedback on paralysis by analysis in woodworking forums
- Jason wants to know if he is supposed to finish the Cedar in his Cedar chest
- Les is seeking advice on the repair of a warped chest lid
- Susan asks about cleaning fine furniture and which products to use
- Bill needs help finding quality brass screws, we suggest McMaster Carr, Horton Brasses and of course Gooooo Rockler
- John wants to know which workbench vises are best for which task in order to decide what to put on his workbench
- Pat asks about the progress of Matt’s wood lot
Ask Us a Question
Send in questions via the contact form here on site or hit us up on IG at woodtalkshow or send us a voicemail using your phone voice memo app to
Finally you can find us individually on Instagram at mattcremona, woodwhisperer, and renaissancewoodworker
3 replies on “WT501 – Humpin’ Trees”
I have (not because I wanted to but that my wife’s grandmother and mother had one) built a cedar chest. Let’s just sa I am not a fan of the smell we agreed that the look was more what she wanted and I sealed it as good as I could with shellac about 10 1 lbs cut coats. The thing looks amazing so I would recommend it as a option. Even with that many coats you can still smell the cedar but in a tolerable amount hope this helps. Listening to you bums get me through the work day thanks for allowing us all to enjoy this thing you call a show.
Wow, an entire chest built of aromatic cedar! Way too much without a doubt. I agree with Marc, maybe just the bottom liner is generally more than enough. My Grandma & people like that only stored blankets, hand made quilts etc. in theirs, just for the moth and bug protection. Get them out once a year or some nonsense like that. My wife uses hers for most of the same stuff. Says, protecting it for the grandkids? Whatever makes her happy! (I don’t think we have bugs like that in Eastern Colorado)
Traditionally cedar chests were made of cedar, such as the ubiquitous Lane Cedar Chest. The transition to thin cedar lining seems to be a combination of a lumber cost-saving measure allowing chests to be made of cheaper EWP, and to allow construction from hardwoods for matching a bedroom set.