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535 – Elite Straightists

It’s show #535 On today’s show, we’re talking about what is straight, the ugly truth about content creation, and plywood vs solid wood.

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SawStop Giveaway!!!

Rockler is giving away a SawStop 10” Compact Table Saw and Stand in valued at over $1000. The SawStop Compact Table Saw is the smallest, most portable table saw featuring SawStop’s legendary safety brake. It’s a great fit for contractors and homeowners looking for a safe, mobile table saw that can be easily transported and tucked away when not needed. Like other SawStop saws, the safety system stops the spinning blade on contact with skin and drops it below the table in less than 5 milliseconds. Enter by the end of September for your chance to win

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What’s On the Bench

  • Marc got a pack rat clamp rack and bought some lumber for the new shop.
  • Matt is building a barn for his cult meetings.
  • Shannon built side hung drawers and played with scarf joints.


  • Buddy thinks having a workbench first makes everything better instead of buying a bunch of tools and struggling to use them on a substandard work surface.
  • Scott wrote back in about criticizing us on not talking about wood only to say he wonders just how he can succeed with his business without creating content.

…so we spend a lot of time talking about content creation again…

Listener Questions

  • Martyn asks for clarification on why Shannon thinks straightedges don’t belong in woodworking.
  • Corey needs help in figuring out when to use plywood vs solid wood.

Ask Us a Question

Send in questions via the contact form here on site or hit us up on IG at woodtalkshow or send us a voicemail using your phone voice memo app to

Finally you can find us individually on Instagram at mattcremona, woodwhisperer, and renaissancewoodworker

3 replies on “535 – Elite Straightists”

Guys, your talk about woodworker’s that are YouTubers/content creators/influencers reminded me of something that happened about two years ago. I had posted a pic of my shop that I had just recently redone. I basically took a dirty, musty aging basement garage and cleaned it up. Updated the lighting, new drylock and I installed new electrical conduit. I wanted to do something a little different so I painted the plastic conduit Smurf blue. Keep in mind, I’m just an average hobbyist who does woodworking to relax with no online presence or anything. The next thing I know I get a comment from someone that, acting a bit jealous at what he thought was true, implied that I was sponsored by Rockler! So, I guess, be careful what colors you paint your shop? LOLOL

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