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On today’s show, we’re talking about tortured outdoor finishes, string inlay resources, and leap frogging planes.
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What’s on the Bench
Marc – Making a grasshopper toy.
Matt – Moving the lathe from the basement to the garage.
Shannon – Dealing with a stubborn bridle joint.
What’s New
– Starting a Makerspace
– Awesome folding ladder
– World’s Longest Wooden Carving
Poll of the Week
– How Do You Cut Your Mortises?
– How Do You Cut Your Tenons?
– Neil and Jeff both have questions concerning outdoor finishes in brutal environments.
– Marty is looking for resources on string inlay. Matt recommends this Woodtreks video and this American Woodworker article.
– Erik is looking for advice on high angle frogs.
Reviews and Thanks!
Are you interested in setting up a recurring donation to help support the show? Use the links in the left column! We’d like to thank Peter C. and John V. as well as everyone else for their continued support.
Don’t forget to leave us a kick-butt review in the iTunes Store.
5 replies on “WT194 – Matt Phones It In”
I must be that “one other guy” that bought the tool roll. Our woodturner club has “Open Shop” once a month, where we meet in a member shop on Saturday morning. A lot of turners make their own tool carrying case with PVC pipes. I use my fancy-shmancy Wood Whisperer turners roll. It stores compactly out of the way when not in use.
Well we thank you for that purchase Mark! It’s a shame because it really is a good quality roll.
Marc, if the tool roll is the same quality and style sold by Woodcraft, it is definitely a quality item. Heavy material and plenty of pockets for turning tools.
Regarding that difficult bridal joint: would a Fein Multimaster have helped?
Regarding the bridle joint, I was thinking about cutting a series of kerfs about 1/8″ shy of the depth and knocking the bulk of the waste out with a chisel and mallet and finishing with a router plane. It sounded like Shannon was just making the cuts on the outer walls and chiseling between the two cuts.