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WT213 – Project Creep

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On today’s show, we’re talking about project creep and how projects can get out of control.


– Fiddler wrote in asking if our projects ever suffer from “project creep,” a situation where you keep adding nicer materials and more difficult techniques just because you can. We all share our perspectives with you in this bonus show.


4 replies on “WT213 – Project Creep”

Great short show. You’re right, we all have experienced it one form or another. When you try to fit too many different techniques, styles, joints, or wood types into one piece I think it can detract from the piece. Just my two cents worth.

I love the single topic podcasts.

A quickie one person’s impression:
not very fond of the “around the web” segments.
Seems tedious most of the time given the accessibility of sharing out there. Of course, some do hit a mark…just don’t hit the Marc, please, Except maybe with a nerf hammer.

“what’s on the bench” is great even when the on the bench is not great. We all know that state and it helps knowing that even the heroes get side tracked/off tracked.

thanks for all.

As per Shannon’s description of too many elements thrown together. I believe there’s a name for that style; it’s called Art Deco.

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