On today’s show we’re talking about glue for bent laminations, storing hardware and fasteners, dust collection basics, and mid priced handsaws
- Wesley is making bent laminations and wants to hide the layers when routing an edge profile
- Jonathan is looking for mid priced handsaws.
- Brian has a shop vac but wants to get more serious about dust collection and respiratory health.
- Allen has many questions about storing fasteners and how to stock up on them and in what types/sizes
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7 replies on “WT420 – We Quit…for the Year”
Watched Cremonas old video on his hardwood floors. He looks like Smalls from the Sandlot with his two sizes to big pants and his 10” long billed hat. Random yet I figured you guys would get a kick out of going back and having a laugh at Cremonas expense.
Nicely done. My only question is, in this day and age , where can I get metal coffee cans?
I get my coffe at Costco, the Kirkland brand comes in a metal can
Our Costco still has them!
I found you a tin can for your bent nails:
Metal coffee cans are pretty hard to find. However, you can find very large cans with fruit in them these days. I have a 6 pound can of pineapple in the pantry currently, as you can imagine the can is huge. The downside is that you have to get creative if you want a lid.
Mike Zelman,
Chock Full of Nuts coffee comes in a metal can.
The coffee is great and I use the cans out in the shop.
Hope this helps.