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WT288 – Matt’s Exodus

MattOn today’s show we’re talking about furniture safety, cutting notches, and buying a first spokeshave. We also get all sappy and reminisce about our good friend Matt Vanderlist on his last show as a WoodTalk co-host.


  • Jonathan read an article about unsafe furniture and wants to know if we have points we consider when designing/building safe furniture
  • Nick is curious about a good technique for cutting notches in the corner of a shelf board
  • Otto wants to buy his first spokeshave and needs guidance


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39 replies on “WT288 – Matt’s Exodus”

It’s been a hell of a ride, the timing kind of stinks since I have just recently finished listening to every episode. Good luck and hopefully you will make a guest appearance in the future!


Matt leaving … bummer, but family is first! But the chortle master will be missed, woobie and all! Taco’s and grape soda around!
— So much for the smultz!

Safety of much furniture is overlooked. Pinch points, soft close or slamming close is important. But the falling issue, like Ikea has had an issue with lately, is something we don’t think about. I do remember seeing instructions on several parts of shelves that suggest putting a anchors in the top of shelves to keep it from falling. There are laws some places requiring the high furniture wall attachment (California comes to mind).

I think that a way to secure the ‘payload’, like doors, even barrister case type of doors, would add to the safety, but life must go on and the ‘safety patrol’ doesn’t seem to have a life. … So let’s just be as ‘reasonably safe’ as we can, be cautious, but don’t worry about the ‘if’s’ in life.

Matt- we love you. Best of luck and hopefully we can hear you as a co-host when Shannon is on a summer hiatus sometime….

Thanks for everything you’ve done for us over the years!

Quite the bummer to hear of Matt’s departure. You are a fun guy to listen to and I have always enjoyed your content. Will hope to hear you contribute again sometime!!! Take care of yourself!

Thank you everyone! I’ve been dreading this day since even before we recorded the episode.

On the bright side, I can now concentrate on my upcoming book “Chortles, Woodshops and Me – a biography of the woodworking podfather and those who ask ‘who?.”

Sorry to see Matt going, but I’m sure, like a bad penny, he’ll be back every now and then. Matt we’ll keep checking your site for anything new. You are the woodworker’s woodworker.

NOOO! How am I supposed to take my Monday afternoon nap without the warm tones of Matt’s voice? Seriously I enjoy the show and will miss Matt’s input. Also I have the same beard as Matt.


Please say it isn’t so! We’ll miss your odd sense of humor and your everyman’s take on the challenges of woodworking in the home-garage-basement environment.

Hoping your new life on the road won’t seriously impact your Basement Workshop podcast as well, but after 34 years on the road myself, I know that family matters must take precedence when you do finally get home.

Best of luck, and please revisit us when ever you can.

I’m really sad to see you go, Matt. I enjoyed listening to you over the years and thought you guys as a trio were a powerhouse! I imagine I’ll occasionally replay old episodes just to pretend that all is still normal in the universe. A sad day indeed for the woodworking community.

P.S. Marc and Shannon… I hope you’re not even thinking about leaving. I don’t know if we can take another blow like this. Hmmmm… I better make another donation just in case.

In all seriousness… best of luck Matt! I hope you never go taco-less and keep chortling for as long as you can.

Happy holidays guys!

MATT! Gonna miss you man!

I know about time constraints and can imagine what a tough decision it must have been. But you have a great legacy of people that you have inspired and your situation may change in the future that will allow you to be more active again in the future.

Good luck on your new journey!

Your friend in the shop-


Matt, you will be missed.

Thanks for all of the great tips and entertainment over years! Your “Everyman” approachability made Woodtalk very accessible. The positive outlook and sense of humor you brought to every show kept me coming back every week.

Good luck with your new job and congrats on being able to spend more time with the fam.

Matt, Matt what will we do without your jokes and great input? You be missed tremendously. May you have good fortune in everything you do in the future (I am looking forward to your book, hurry up and GET IT DONE so I can read all about it).

Sarcasm or sappy? I’m truly torn. But one thing is for sure, the chemistry will never be the the same without you and for that (and many other things) you will be missed.

Good luck Matt! Don’t be a stranger. Straight grains and ____ you too.

A goodbye to Matt and a word of warning to Marc and Shannon –

The trio of Marc, Matt and Shannon brings to mind another famous triumvirate – Howard, Vine and Howard, otherwise known as The Three Stooges. Matt has been a perfect Curly to Marc’s Moe and Shannon’s Larry, and as any Stooges aficionado knows, the Curly episodes are the best.

So thanks to Matt for the hours and hours of information and entertainment (I’ve listened to them all), and an admonition to Marc and Shannon – the next guy has very big shoes to fill. Don’t get us a Joe Besser or a Curly Joe DeRita.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all, and I look forward to the next chapter in the Woodtalk saga.

Sad to see you leave the show Matt. You will be missed. I have listened and watched you since the early days and you have brought joy and inspiration into my life. I feel like I know you even thou I have never met you. Good luck in all you do in the future.

Good luck Matt and I look forward to hearing some guest segments in the future! I’ve always enjoy your positive attitude and chortles galore.

As for the new guy, I’m guessing Matt Cremona. They’d be able to keep the same opening and as we all know, these guys are too cheap to spring for a new announcement! Although maybe they could just overdub the new guys name…


It is a bummer to see you depart from the WoodTalk crew.

I’m already suffering from chortle withdraws.

Godspeed brother!

Thank you again to everyone who’s posted something here, on the Wood Talk FB Page and else where…I can’t thank you enough!

For certain I’ll be back around as the opportunity arises, it’ll always feel like home even if it’s only for a moment.

Thanks again!

Yoko didn’t have anything to do with this did she??? She has a history you know.
I will certainly miss you, chortles and all. Best of luck.

Sometimes it’s not a woman who splits up the band, other times it is, but sometimes there’s other times that sometimes it happens…but not this time.

You will be missed Matt.. my therapist must have thought I was crazy when I told her I had cryed over one of the guys leaving a podcast I listen to. I hope to hear you as a guest host in future episodes.

I am very sorry to see Matt go, but he has it right Family is more important. I will miss you Matt. This is by far the best show out there. I want to thank all three of you for the lessons I have learned. And helping me spend money. I have learned about new or better tools and had to go buy them. The show has a feel like I walked into someone’s workshop and stood there listening to my friends discuss woodworking, life and have a few laughs along the way.

Matt (fellow Michigander)
Really going to miss you on the podcast. No one can ever replace you. You and the guys are my lifeline to the woodworking world and help me cope with a horrible commute. Good luck to you and chortle away..
Ok Marc and Shannon step it up.

Good luck Matt, I’ve enjoyed listening to you and even learned a few things. You will be missed.

I am worried there is a darker reason for your leaving. Did you take up knitting?


Matt, I wholeheartedly echo the comments above. I have been on about a 2 year WoodTalk binge during my horrific New Jersey commute (I blame Marc) and I FINALLY caught up and now you’re leaving. Not gonna lie, I got a little misty listening to this one on the way to work today. I listened to WoodTalk #5 on the way home just to cheer myself up…lots of chortles in that one!

You’re such a humble, positive guy and I sure will miss having you on the show. I’ve only burst out in laughter listening to the show a handful of times but I’m pretty sure you can be credited with the cause of all of those instances.

Best of luck in the future from another native Michigander (Kalamazoo)!



I’m late to chime in on this show due to holiday travel.

I just finished listening to Matt’s Exodus. Great job all. And especially thank you to Matt. Don’t know if we’ll ever meet but I feel like I know you, brother.

All the best for you current and future endeavors.

Long live The Chortle!


I will miss Matt. His workshop setup, project list, and experiences most closely align with my own. He was also the one to always personally answer my email questions quickly.

Oh, and good call on the background music – “lonely man” from the end credits of the Incredible Hulk TV show from the 80’s as Banner was always walking away…

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