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WT289 – The Matt Awakens

On today’s show we’re talking about removing mill marks in boards, dovetail orientation for casework, non traditional table designs with regard to wood movement, the trend of sped up woodworking videos, moving from a dry climate to a humid one, being called carpenter instead of woodworker, and a look back at the project’s we’ve made in 2015. And….

…Welcome to the show Matt Cremona

What’s On the Bench

  • Marc: nothing except eggnog, but go check out the new Wood Whisperer Giveaway
  • Shannon: made more this Christmas than any elf should be asked to make
  • Matt: Working on the sofa table, coming soon to a Guild build near you.

What’s New

  • (marc) Not only did Matt leave the show in 2015, our buddy Tom Iovino pulled back from podcasting and blogging as well. We wish them both well. Matt had this say:
    As I head into the great unknown that is my new life as a ‘former co-host’ of possibly the greatest collaborative woodworking podcast, I can’t begin to express how much I appreciate the kind words and fond farewells all of you kind folks have sent me directly and left posted on the Wood Talk Website. You all are better than tacos, and stretchy pants to this woodworker in a basement!
  • David shared with us a gallery of 365 spoons all made with hand tools
  • Andrew Klein has 2 new inventions, a new clamp

    plus he has already improved it based on testing, click on the annotation to learn about that.and an improved Twin Screw Vise
  • Ted Boscana has been named the Master of the New Williamsburg Joiners Shop, congrats Ted


  • John had an amazing experience on the WoodTalk forum and wanted to say thank you
  • Eric wants to know why the Domino gets so much hate and why a router wouldn’t work just as well
  • Tommassso named his shaper and is now scared of Shetar, the Destroyer of Men


  • Jimmy finds sped up videos annoying
  • Kyle has moved from dry California to humid Connecticut and wants to know what to look out for with his tools and wood
  • NoNameSadGuy is sad about Matt leaving and wants to know if we get annoyed by being called a carpenter


  • Eric needs advice on sanding a very rough slab of lumber
  • Joe has concerns about a specific table design
  • Wilbur is curious where he should place his dovetails on different sized cases

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11 replies on “WT289 – The Matt Awakens”

Another word on shapers: I would love to have one, but my family has been in the woodworking trade for a long time, and two of my great uncles have lost fingers to a shaper. But, every time I see the really nice carbide-tipped pattern shaper bits, I really want one…

On Jimmy’s voice mail re: sped-up videos-

I’m new to woodworking and I frequently rely on videos to learn techniques or improve my own. I am very grateful to those more experienced and qualified than I who take the time to teach and share their craft. I want to learn and absorb as much as I can. Full-length videos often show important details that can be glossed over in abbreviated versions. I was just watching Matt Cremona’s video on hand dovetails (I wanted to get to know the newest co-host before listening to his inaugural podcast.) Matt carefully took the time to demonstrate his technique for chiseling the half-blind pins. Simple? Maybe, but critical.

Welcome Matt C and keep up the good work guys!

Hey Mark,
I love doing wood working as a hobby when I’m home. My job keeps me from doing what I love because I travel so much. I wanted to get a Festool domino tenon tool, but I can’t justify the price for the time I have to spend in my small shop. So what I’m asking is there a company that makes the same type of tool that is less expensive?

You guys are awesome.

D. Mesecher

I am a Matt
I am a trim carpenter by day
I am a woodworker by night
I live in West Michigan (mere minutes from MBW)
I love the show
I am glad that Matt’s replacement is also a Matt

Thanks Boys!

Hey guys just wanted to say, thank you for taking the time to make this show for the community. We really appreciate it and enjoy the content. I couldnt stop laughing at this episode and this finally prompted me to purchase a wood talk tshirt. I dont know I didnt buy one in the past.

PS. I left a little note on the order for you Marc. Please fulfill the task with a manly execution. You will know what I mean when you see it.

Like a good 3-legged stool that stands and finds it’s own level, the show functions best with 3 personalities. I am sorry to see Matt V. leave but Matt C. is a perfect fit for the show. Congrats to Marc & Shannon for a great choice, congrats to Matt for getting on board.

Shapers Vs. Router Tables – I am a big advocate of shapers over routers mounted in a table. Shapers run smoother because they are heavier, they have more real power and torque due to the larger motors rather than relying on a small motor with 2X the RPM.

A small 3/4 or 1hp shaper with a capacitor motor is better than a 3hp router with a universal motor. Another bonus; the larger motors run much quieter too.

From an economical stand point, you get a better value with a small shaper than buying a big router and a router table.

With either one, controlling the material safely is equally critical. Don’t fear the beast – get control!

As far as “fast motion” videos – how many movies have you seen where that technic is employed. Almost none. Instead they use cuts, wipes and desolves. We should all learn from the “pros” when it comes to video making. I find the sped up videos TOTALLY annoying. What good is it to invest in the time to produce a video if the viewer can’t follow the proceedure? And, as a viewer, who may really be interested in a woodworker’s proceedure, or solution to a woodshop problem, this is very frustrating and a waste of my time. I watch woodworking videos for education and instruction. If I want entertainment, I’ll watch a movie.

Fast motion movies?
Benny Hill, Abbott & Costello movies, Charlie Chaplin movies, Jerry Lewis movies, The Gods must be crazy 1&2. The original Mad Max (1979) had sped up scenes that heightened the feeling of speed in the car/bike scenes. That’s just off the top of my head.
There’s a time & place for ALL filming techniques. You want detailed instructions, choose a channel that employs that. You don’t mind seeing things sped up that take a long time, then life is sweet. Yes, you could cut from scene to scene, but then you get the case of “here’s one I prepared earlier.”

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