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WT290 – Amy Schumer’s Tattoo Gun

On today’s show we’re talking about the intimidation of getting started, 45 degree zero clearance inserts, using a carbide bandsaw blade, and choosing a dust collector.

What’s On the Bench

  • Marc: not much still designing a bed
  • Shannon: getting to make a campaign stool
  • Matt: wrapping up the sofa table and getting to edit lots of video..

What’s New


  • Todd and Dusty both chime in with positive thoughts on shapers instead of router tables
  • James thinks sped up woodworking videos might give someone learning the wrong impression of how to work.
  • Miles doesn’t like being called a carpenter either, and he is one…kinda
  • Dusty urges us to check out Len Hovarter’s quick release vise.


  • Roberto wants a zero clearance insert for 45 degree cuts on his table saw.


  • Trevor needs some advice on just getting started and overcoming his fear of screwing things up.
  • Jerkface42one is concerned about using a carbide bandsaw blade on his 14″ bandsaw.
  • Daniel wants to know whether to get a 3HP dust collector or save money and go with a 1.5HP model.

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12 replies on “WT290 – Amy Schumer’s Tattoo Gun”

Yes! Made it on WT twice in one episode! J/K Thanks for looking at my kickback.

You guys should consider starting a woodworker match site using your technical skills and woodworking community contacts. WoodMatch? LumberMates? Branch off to the Maker side, too. MakerConnect? MakerMatch? Could be a goldmine!

A little kick back about zero clearance throat plates. I use to have a folding jobsite saw with a stamped insert plate that had a wide slot. I slapped a piece of FastCap’s zero clearance tape on it and it worked great! I took the stock throat plate for my new saw, put another piece of zero clearance tape on it and I have a great zero clearance plate for angled cuts.

The tape is maybe a 1/16″ thick. I have never had it cause any interfere. You could sand the leading edge or set the throat plate ever so slightly below the table surface if it was a problem

Another comment about the zero clearance plates: a 10″ blade might be too large for a blank to sit properly in the cutout for the throat plate. I’ve seen suggestions elsewhere on getting a smaller blade (say 7 1/4″) that does clear the bottom of the blank to get the cut started, then switching back to a 10″ blade to finish it off. I believe this would be the safest way to make the cut. An alternative might be to route the underside of the blank to clear the blade, but that sounds hard to get in the right place and depth. Never start the saw unless the blank is secured down with a scrap board, not only to keep it from moving but to prevent tearout of the blank.

I’m not sure Marc’s suggestion will work for Roberto’s zero clearance insert. The vertical motion on my table saw is straight up and down, regardless of the angle of the blade. Raising a blade tilted at 45 degrees straight through a blank insert will result in a slot cut signficantly wider than the blade.

Or, am I missing something?

Depending on the dimensions of the workpiece wouldn’t a miter sled work just as well, at least for anything that’s not a compound angle?

Re “Daniel wants to know whether to get a 3HP dust collector or save money and go with a 1.5HP model.”

Go with the three horse. You can run it on machines that don’t cough up as much, and it’ll do the job on things that do, like the router table, sanding stations, jointers and planers.

I have a one horse on my miter, a horse and a half Jet Canister tending my drum-disk sander, spindle sander and band saw. For the chip and dust emitting beasts mentioned above, I run my four bagger, three horse Jet.

The big Jet runs through a Super Dust Deputy by way of a six inch hose – and my shop surprises a lot of people, for the lack of the expected saw dust everywhere.

And on the carpenter thing, yes, many of us are annoyed by it. There is a pretty significant difference between a 1/8″ tolerance and a 1/128″, or less tolerance (e.g., turning pen blanks).

By the same token, being able to build an ornate book case does not mean your roof will support a snow load, after I’m done with it.

1.5 horse will be 120v instead of 240v for the 3 HP and that will be easier to install and move about if a mobile system is contemplated.

A related question on dust collection.
Any thoughts on what types of systems might generate less noise? Single vs. dual stage (i.e. with or without a cyclone).

My shop is the basement so noise is going to matter.

Mark, I have both types and owned a three horse cyclone from Oneida. You aren’t going to note a difference. All the noise is generated at the collector fan. The cyclone is, pretty much, silent, whether attached directly to the collector or connected as a pre-separater.

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