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WT439 – It Was Always Done that Way

On today’s show we’re talking about: edge-banding router bits, boxed beam construction, our contributions to woodworking, to pre-finish or not to pre-finish, drill press speeds, epoxy pouring tips, and should you buy a Domino.


  • Leonid is curious about edge banding router bit sets
  • Chris asks about the problem of differential wood species movement on a veneer clad boxed beam like Shannon made
  • Bob asks if we plan to take the next step into woodworking rock star status
  • Speg asks about the benefits or disadvantages of pre-finishing
  • Nar doesn’t understand when to change the speed on his drill press
  • Greg wonders if any initial sealing should be done to the wood before pouring an epoxy bar top finish
  • Unnamed asks whether to buy a bandsaw or a Domino as the next tool
  • Rick asks about in floor dust collection

Stuff We Hate

People who insist “you can’t do that, because it was always done this way”.

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10 replies on “WT439 – It Was Always Done that Way”

Stuff We Hate is the second best segment you guys do, only thing better is Shaaaannnnnnnooooooonnnnnn’s Lumber… Induuuuuuuuustrrrrrrryyyyyyyyy Update.

Thanks for not quitting, love the show!

Hi Guys,

I’m writing in response to one of your callers Rick who has an awesome opportunity to do floor ducting. if you want so see a cool and simple way to go bout it and have easy access to the floors for maintenance and cleaning. check a guy on YouTube called Dave Stanton he’s an Australian woodworker who has done this very thing to his shop. the video is titled dust extractor and system in Dave Stanton easy woodworking shop. He’s got some really interesting nuggets for dust collection set up via his mini series of videos to do with dust extraction setup. hope this is of some help to you for ideas.

This is a joke (from my 5 y.o. daughter):
Why isn’t your foot 6 inches long?

Because then it would be your nose!

The stuff we hate segment tooootally got me! Shannon, you are my spirit animal. I spend a good portion of every day explaining to people I work with that “the way we’ve always done it” is merely evidence it worked, and not a REASON to do it in and of itself. Uuuuugghh… and here’s the thing with the internet, people have giant brass baguettes behind a keyboard or touch screen. They’ll say stuff they never would in person. And I think a lot of those negative nancies have all that pent up, because they couldn’t say it in person to someone so they vent, like Marc’s ‘gram stories. Or they just want to feel important to themselves or something, I dunno, I’m not a shrink. But I do see forums of all types full of people complaining, you’ll never see “hey my car ran fine today” it’s always problems. Or MY personal peeve, the unhelpful sanctimonious self ritious “I don’t know why anyone would ___” answer to a legit question. I asked what cleaner to use BECAUSE I know you’re all a bunch of OCD freaks and you probably know good stuff, not so you could tell me I should never eat in the shop!

I must take exception to Shannon’s statement that there are huge values of PSI with a vacuum press. The max it can be is 14.7 PSI. Multiplying it over the area of the wood “condom” it’s a tremendous amount of force but the pressure is less than 14.7.

It would be interesting to see what the performance of a cutting board made of resin impregnated wood would be like. Anyone done that yet?

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