On today’s show we’re talking about what we did on our summer break and a Voicemail extravaganza.
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What’s On the Bench
- Marc built a desk and went to IWF
- Matt also went to IWF and has been using his sawmill and getting exercise
- Shannon finished his mirror and built stuff on his Maine workbench
What’s New
- Making It TV show
- New Veritas shooting board and shooting board kit parts>
- An important message from John F Powermatic.
- Kerf the hell out of it!
- Sound-proofing.
- Wallace is looking for advice on when to use certain film finishes
Lumber Industry Update
European lumber exports are way down due to drastically reduced infrastructure. We also talk about baltic birch plywood.
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2 replies on “WT444 – An Inch Too Short”
Can you comment on people who have a fully loaded workshop but only make things for their workshop. I tend to collect tools just to make my shop look nicer. What’s wrong with me. I’m sure I’m not the only one with this problem
Here is a link to suond proofing paint: