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WT449 – Marc Says No

On today’s show we’re talking about planter box finishing, why lumber dealers are closed on the weekends, and is rough lumber necessary


  • Bryan has some kickback on ads
  • Cameron wants to refinish a planter box
  • Our Ethiopian friend wants to know if wood glue can be used as a finish


  • Pete is upset that all the hardwood dealers around him are closed after work hours and on weekends
  • Andrew challenge Marc to make a project without fancy tools in a hot and humid shop…Marc says “no”
  • Tanc wonders if he is missing out on anything by not finding any rough sawn lumber

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One reply on “WT449 – Marc Says No”

Great show guys. As someone who is very new to YouTube that segment was very interesting. Fortunately I’m just doing my WB Fine Woodworking channel for fun and not worrying about any numbers. Shannon’s exolination of the retail hardwood industry was very helpful and eye opening. Like he said I’m often embarrassed with my $100 purchase. I’m sure the guy at the exotic hardwood place was wondering what I was doing roaming around his place for at least an hour and then only bought a board on Bocote for $35 and then showed him my San Diego Fine Woodworking Association card for a 10% discount. Before I left I did tell him I bought the wood to turn ice cream scoop handles for Christmas presents. Sound familiar Shannon?. With my budget I can’t afford to buy in bulk and I’m much too picky about grain patterns. As for the question on rough lumber vs S4S or even S3S, it is difficult in all of Southern California to find retailers that sell anything less. Even the S2S that Mark mentioned is almost impossible to find here. While the feeling that Mat gets when he saws up a tree and sees that beautiful grain for the first time the closest I ever het to that is going through the lumber stacks and finding that very rare board with the beautiful figure like Mat sees all the time in his end of the business. As Shannon stated much of what I see is the left overs from businesses like the one he works for unless I buy specific boards online.

Anyway, thanks for not quitting. I enjoy the program and actually learn from it too.

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