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WT451 – We’ve Changed After 10 Years

On today’s show we’re talking about: why no lacquer?, our most challenging projects, a painted finish, out feed tables


Matt has been listening to the show from the beginning and comments on how our attitudes have changed over the last decade.


  • Steve wants a professional painted finished and needs advice
  • Matt has used lacquer in a professional cabinet shop and wonders why we rarely talk about it
  • Zombeerose is curious to know what our most challenging projects have been
  • Ryder wants our opinion on table saw out feed tables

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12 replies on “WT451 – We’ve Changed After 10 Years”

Maybe the show would be funnier if you did it with all of you in blonde wigs and while working together on a nice patchwork quilt? 🙂

The old shows are great, but I think the show has gotten better after 10 years! You all have a chemistry that just isn’t there in any of the other woodworking podcasts I have tried. To have the combination of humor and education makes your show stand out. Keep up the great work!

Comment on the use of Lacquer by the average woodworker/hobbyist. The fumes of lacquer are very volatile when used indoors. I will only spray lacquer outside where ventilation is not a concern. One has to watch out for any sparks(cheap fan motor) or flames(water heater, furnace in shop area) when spraying in a confined space. Not many average woodworkers have the proper ventilation equipment to handle the over-spray and fumes without possible ignition. Matt most likely sprayed lacquer in a professional spray both when he was working in a professional cabinet shop. Therefore wipe-on poly is the go to finish for the average hobbyist.

As someone that has gone through all of the shows I can say “Wood moves, get over it” things have changed as they should. Some people “invariably” cannot understand sarcasm which I’m glad to see more of since Cremona joined in.

The show is definitely different from when it started but everything in life evolves, and I don’t think I would still be listening if it were the same.

When I started listening to the show (Pre Shannon) I was eating up all the woodworking info I could find and loved the detailed responses to questions. I also watched every Norm video, David Marks episode and read every book I could find on working with wood.

Now 10+ years later, I find myself looking more for entertainment and less step by step instruction (not to say I don’t learn from the show still). Norm is definitely still one of my heroes, but I don’t think I would be as jazzed to get into the show if the rigid (sometimes monotonous) NYW format were the only woodworking resource out there.

I also think there is a cool aspect to the show’s trajectory where those new to the hobby can start early in the show and learn a lot, then catch up and eavesdrop on the more entertaining later episodes.

Either way, thanks for not quitting (or knitting)

What’s common to your past shows and the present ones is something that in each host hasn’t seemed to waver. You love the subject and the venue. To me the venue is more like a clubhouse with minimal commercial content. True it is work to you, but you are hosts and your work seems effortless. It’s hard to describe, and to me it’s working. Shannon has lost that obsequious puppy dog whale eye look, and Marc’s kids have worn on him well, Marc has an age appropriate mellow patina. The current Matt was a good choice to promote makers in general. A natural maker would see Matt as a role model, they can’t read out loud either and from Matt can see that they have a place in this world. Don’t feel picked on. Keeping that freshness alive is what life’s all about and I find a lot of that on your shows.Yeah you make objects, but you have created culture and that takes gifts to do.

I’m with you guys. After 10 years of answering the same question 1000 times I’d get short too. That being said, you guys “attitude” may be a benefit to our learning as woodworkers. If I don’t want to sound stupid asking a question on woodtalk, I research my problems on other media. Be it books podcasts forums etc. and in my search for that bit of knowledge I might gain more knowledge I didn’t set out for. So stay snarky and thanks for not quitting!

Here are a couple of poems as kickback to your first question of the last podcast:


There once was a podcast on wood,
They said whatever they could,
They might be a little snarky,
But’s that a bunch of malarkey,
So keep doing the podcast on wood.

Or if you prefer a Haiku:

Wood talk show podcast
Is very entertaining
Thanks for not quitting

Marc, Matt, Shannon and Matt,
Much like an older brother being protective during a playground fight, I wanted to jump to your defense. However, I realized that you can take care of yourself and I can sit back and be proud that you stand for what’s right.
You’re all giving to the community and advancing the craft…Thank You.
Obviously you’ve set the benchmark for woodworking podcasts. Notice that the number of podcasts that have spawned since you started Wood Talk and almost all take on your format. Hmmmmm.
I like to draw comparisons for clarity. You’re Letterman (can’t be Carson because your more edgy and not afraid to be yourselves). Many have tried to play the same game but turn out to be Craig Kilborn or Conan O’Brien and those podcasts know who they are.

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